Saturday, April 5th, 2014
PAX East is less than two weeks away – are you excited?! We at Battleground Games & Hobbies sure are! Please make sure you stop by our amazing booth (#C805, C807, C809) in the Tabletop Hall at PAX East while you’re checking out the show. We plan to have all kinds of awesome gaming products, demos, specials and so much more – don’t miss out! We look forward to seeing you there.
415 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02210
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Tags: Conventions, Derek Lloyd, Events, Panel, pax east
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Friday, April 4th, 2014
International TableTop Day returns to Battleground Games & Hobbies TOMORROW, Saturday, April 5th, 2014! International TableTop Day is a celebration for all the fans of tabletop gaming. A single day where the whole world is brought together in a common purpose of spending time together and having fun. We hope you find the resources you need — to connect new fans to experienced group organizers, retailers with their community, and publishers with the international community — all at Battleground Games & Hobbies!
So join us TOMORROW for a day full of amazing gaming action. We’ll have everything from board gaming, miniature gaming, card gaming and so much more! This special event to celebrate gaming isn’t to be missed. Join us!
Don’t forgot to share your experiences with the gaming community at @TableTopDay, @GeekAndSundry and @battleground_gh with the hashtag #tabletopday!
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Tags: Board Games, Card Games, Felicia Day, Gaming, GeekAndSundry, International Tabletop Day, Miniatures, TableTop, Wil Wheaton
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Miniature Games, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | No Comments »
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
As a “Magic: The Gathering” player, I’m sure you’ve all done it at least once. There just comes a time in every players life where they think they’ve had enough of the game. After countless hours of staring at your trade binder and all those 5000-count boxes, you think you’ve finally made up your mind, but you need just one more night; one more night to sleep on things. Then, when that morning finally comes, you’re ready; at least you think you’re ready…to sell your magic collection.
If my memory serves me correctly (which I am not completely sure of), I’ve sold my collection twice. The first time I sold it was in high school. There wasn’t much to brag about. I think the only thing of highlight was a “Force of Will.” Around 2000-2001, they weren’t much to cry over. I had priced everything out through an issue of “Scrye,” but I failed to realize that when the time came, the dealer would have to profit as well and my earnings were cut in half.
I just didn’t have time for it though. I was taking part in extracurricular activities that I needed to dedicate time to. So, unfortunately, card gaming had to take a back seat for now.
My freshman year of college was where I found a resurgence to play again. The next thing I knew, I was playing more competitively. I began to go through boxes and boxes of “Onslaught.” At the time, it was not a bad thing to do considering that the set gave birth to the Fetch Lands. By the end of my sophomore year, I needed to take a break and concentrate more on my studies. I mean, I couldn’t stay in college forever, could I? Fortunately, I held on to my things.
When I finished school I took the summer “off.” I didn’t do much. In fact, I can’t even remember what I did that summer. I’m assuming it had something to do with “Dungeons and Dragons” as well as “Magic.” In the fall I had started work at State Street Bank and was making an okay amount for a kid fresh out of school. I had little expenses. So, I guess you can figure out where most of my money went into. My Fridays were rather exciting. I worked in Boston and I had to, sometimes, race out of the office to make the train to Abington in order to play in the FNMs at Battleground Games & Hobbies.
(Yes, that’s a case of Zendikar I opened for myself!)
At this point I had begun to amass a pretty nice collection. I had acquired several 5000-count boxes of just random commons and uncommons. However, the trade binder was looking really nice. I had made it a goal to gather a full play set of dual lands. I started with the hardest ones (the blue based dual lands) and would work my way down.
I had branched my way into Legacy without really trying. What I mean is that I didn’t have the intention of playing the format, but when you set a goal of gathering the dual lands, it just lands in your lap. By now, my collection “wants” were beginning to get out of hand. I recall being at a TCG Player 5K tournament where Vengevine was a card. It was quite the card, actually. I had managed to get my hands on three foil versions of the little guy. They were also Japanese to make things even more special. However, I found it impossible to complete the set, and, in the end, never could finish it.
By now my collection was reaching its peak. The “prettiest” deck I owned was a “Survival of the Fittest” deck I played in Legacy. The card is banned now, but it was a lot of fun while it was legal. If any of you know how that deck was played, then you can clearly recall why that card was banned. Nonetheless, it was extremely fun to play and it was only made better when your deck was nice to look at.
I was lucky enough to work a pre-release early that year with another company. At that event there was a guest artist in attendance. It just happen to be the artist who created the judge promo for “Survival of the Fittest.” Not only was I able to get my hands on a play set for a very affordable price, but she was nice enough to sign and draw on them for me. If you only knew what those cards go for now. This is where I come to the point of all this.
If you were to ask my right now if I had any regrets in my life, I would probably hesitate and then answer “no.” Why the hesitation? Well, I like to think that things happen for a reason. Therefore, me selling my collection happened for a reason. I hate to admit that the reason may have been all the wrong reasons, but they still happened, and there is little I can do to change that.
When I decided to sell my “collection,” it was a really hard choice. Part of me thinks I still rushed into things, but I know that’s not entirely true. Reason being is that I had to plan the whole day out in order to sell my cards.
(Goodbye sweet, sweet collection)
Look, I could probably write another one thousand words on my feelings and thoughts that were going through my mind when I sold everything. I’m not though. However, I am going to go over my word count for this week as I wrap things up.
“Magic: The Gathering” is a very special game. One of the best qualities about it is the amount a person can invest into it. I’m not just speaking in terms of money, but time as well. A large reason why people play this game is for the social factor. I know quite a few people who play the game just so they can hang out with their friends. Without it, I think they feel like they would have nothing (even though that’s not really true). What I want you to take from the post this week is to not give up so easily on your hobbies or things you’re passionate about.
I walked into the store knowing I was going to sell my commons and uncommons. The main purpose was to “make room” in my room. As the value of things began to add up, I decided to let go of most of my collection that day. However, I was going to hold onto my binder. It was where my heavy hitters were and most of the value laid. I guess I got caught up in the moment and I let dollar signs and “incorrect” emotions get the best of me that day. That’s when I decided to let it all go.
Don’t be a fool like me that day and give up on things so hastily. We all need breaks once in a while. In that case, take a step back and breathe, but don’t let go; don’t lose your grip on reality. When you take that step, look at all you’ve accomplished and gained. That’s when things really come into perspective. Maybe it will help save your collection one day; maybe it will help prevent you from having to write something like this.
Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
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Tags: Magic the Gathering, Simeon Cortezano
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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
Congratulations to this week’s Friday Night Magic winners at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA. This week, FNM featured the Standard format with top finishers not only receiving store credit prizes, but likewise an exclusive promo foil Elvish Mystic!
Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM
Theros/Theros/Born of the Gods Booster Draft Pod One – Start time: 7:30 PM
Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM
Modern – Start time: Saturday 7:15 PM
Congratulations to the top finishers of each event. In addition, on behalf of the staff here at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we would like to thank everyone that attended our events. We greatly appreciate you choosing to hang out with us and look forward to seeing you again in the future! Remember, next week Winner’s Circle will be published each and every Tuesday, from now on.
To learn more about our events at either of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar stores and see why Magic, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh players alike enjoy our weekly event offerings at Battleground Games & Hobbies, please click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us – we’re happy to help!
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Tags: FNM, Friday Night Magic, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Winners Circle
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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
Hobby channel retailer news website reported last week that Bushiroad will release the new Angel Beats! Re: Edit expansion for its Weiss Schwarz TCG. The expansion will include a Trial Deck and Booster packs. Both will release on July 25th. This set will introduce a new foil pattern for R and RR rarity cards.
The set is based on the Angel Beats! anime and game series. The story takes place in the afterlife, and focuses on Otonashi, a boy who has lost his memories after dying and is enrolled in an afterlife school. Otonashi is asked to join the Afterlife Battlefront, an organization fighting against God for imposing cruel fates on the students during life. The series blends action, humor and music.
The 50-card Trial Deck will contain 21 types of cards including three exclusive cards. A randomly selected deck in each display will have 1 RRR holo card (3 designs) or 1 SP Gold foil signed by Japanese voice actress Kana Hanazawa, who played Kanade. The decks will include a rule sheet, deck manual, playbook and playmat. The decks are packed six to a display, with eight displays per carton. The English Edition does not include gold/silver campaign coupons.
The booster will include 117 types of cards, as well as 36 parallel cards. Gold foil chase cards featuring autographs from Japanese voice actresses will be randomly inserted into packs. Each booster includes eight cards, with 20 boosters per display. Four rubber playmats are included in each carton. The English Edition does not include gold/silver campaign coupons. With this set, English and Japanese cards may be played together in tournament formats (except in Japan).
The Weiss Schwarz: Love Live! Trial Deck and Booster are due to release in May. Bushiroad has also introduced US organized play for the game this year, which you can enjoy each and every Saturday at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington, MA! Please see our event calender for additional details.
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Tags: Angel Beats!, Anime, Bushiroad, CCG,, New Release, TCG, Weiss Schwartz
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Friday, March 28th, 2014 broke a story earlier this week that Konami was showing off more 2014 Yu-Gi-Oh! releases at the GAMA Trade Show – a show at which retailers, distributors and publishers gather to show off new products and talk shop; and Konami Vice President Card Business Yumi Hoashi shared details about some of the upcoming products.
The Primal Origin booster pack will release in May, and the Primal Origin: Deluxe Edition box will follow on June 13th. The set will include nine Primal Origin boosters, plus two foil versions of common and/or rare cards, plus a pack of sleeves, a Beginner’s Guide and one of two foil versions of preview cards from the upcoming August booster set. The two storage boxes were on display at the show. “One will feature the Bujin deck, which is currently a very popular deck in the tournament scene. The other one is the Gladiator Beasts, which has been a staple since the GX era,” said Hoashi.
Also on display was the new Realm of Light Structure Deck. “It is based on the ‘Lightsworn’ theme. ‘Lightsworns’ were first introduced in the GX era, and ‘Lightsworns’ have always been fan favorites as tournament decks. Because it was released in the GX era, ‘Lightsworns’ have never had a Synchro monster, but there is a new Synchro monster, plus the two new Tuner monsters you need to summon it, in this deck,” Hoashi shared. The deck will have 41 cards, and will release June 27.
A new Starter Deck will release on July 11, which will introduce the Pendulum Monsters and Pendulum Summons. The new gameplay mechanic will add two new zones to the game field. Deck title and other information are not yet availible.
July 25 will bring the new Battle Pack 3. The release is designed specifically for booster draft play, so duelists can build new decks directly from the packs. Details on how it differs from previous Battle Pack releases have yet to be revealed.
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Tags: GAMA, Konami, Primal Origin, Realm of Light Structure Deck, YGO, Yu-Gi-Oh
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