Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Journey Into Nyx Pre-release – Tonight at MIDNIGHT!

Journy into Nyx
Come to our Journey into Nyx Prerelease and experience the newest Magic: the Gathering set a week before it goes on sale – TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!

The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents players with a special opportunity to open a Prerelease Pack and continue their journey down the Hero’s Path. There are five Prerelease Packs to choose from; each color has a Heroic Path: White – Glory, Blue – Intellect, Black – Tyranny, Red – War, and Green – Pursuit.

If players would like to be guaranteed a specific Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack they MUST preregister for the event they would like to participate in.  Please talk to someone at the store or contact us to preregister.

Abington Store:
1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Plainville Store:
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Friday night / Saturday morning
Time: 12:00am (midnight)
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Saturday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Saturday night
Time: 6:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck**
Date: April 27th Sunday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm in PLAINVILLE6:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 27th Sunday night
Time: 6:00pm in PLAINVILLE12:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

*Sealed Deck: Each player receives one Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack corresponding to the color of their choice.  Every Prerelease Pack comes with the associated Hero Card (see below).

**Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck:  Each TEAM will receive 2 Journey into Nyx Prerelease Packs with which to build two 40 card decks.

Parking on site

Google Maps

Battleground’s Facebook Page

Please contact us with any questions.

What Do I Get?

Prizes are based on attendance. There will be 2 booster packs per player put into the prize pool. Prizes packs are typically awarded to the top 35% of finishers.

Each Player will receive one Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack that contains:

2 Journey into Nyx booster packs
2 Theros booster packs
1 Born of the Gods booster pack
1 Seeded booster pack*
1 Premium promo card
1 Activity card
1 Spindown life counter
1 Welcome Letter
1 Hero Card,
For this event, players may use the promo card included with the Prerelease Pack in their tournament deck.

*Contains cards from Theros, Born of the Gods and Journey into Nyx that are or have synergy with the color you chose.

What Else Can I Do?

Open Dueling: Open Dueling players each receive 1 Journey into Nyx Intro Pack. Open Dueling players use their Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches. All players should be encouraged to help teach Open Dueling participants how to play Magic.

Commander Melees:

Use your Commander decks with your friends!

Come down, play some cards, check out the new set, and meet some new people!

Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Steve Jackson Games Announces New ‘Munchkin’ Expansion


Are you a fan of the popular Munchkin game by Steve Jackson Games? Well, if so, Steve Jackson Games has announced a new expansion for its Munchkin card game: Munchkin Princesses will release in August.

Journey Prerelease

The 15-card expansion bring royal power to the holder’s deck, which includes two princess cards, as well as new monsters (Prince Charmless, The Eighth Dwarf) and new treasures (Glass Sneakers, Genetically Modified Apple).  As an expansion, it requires a Munchkin base game to play.

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of this sweet new expansion at your local Battleground Games & Hobbies!


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Featured Post, Store Related | No Comments »

Journey Into Nyx Pre-release – Just ONE Week Away!

Journy into Nyx
Come to our Journey into Nyx Prerelease and experience the newest Magic: the Gathering set a week before it goes on sale!

The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents players with a special opportunity to open a Prerelease Pack and continue their journey down the Hero’s Path. There are five Prerelease Packs to choose from; each color has a Heroic Path: White – Glory, Blue – Intellect, Black – Tyranny, Red – War, and Green – Pursuit.

If players would like to be guaranteed a specific Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack they MUST preregister for the event they would like to participate in.  Please talk to someone at the store or contact us to preregister.

Abington Store:
1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Plainville Store:
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Friday night / Saturday morning
Time: 12:00am (midnight)
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Saturday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 26th Saturday night
Time: 6:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck**
Date: April 27th Sunday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm in PLAINVILLE6:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: April 27th Sunday night
Time: 6:00pm in PLAINVILLE12:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

*Sealed Deck: Each player receives one Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack corresponding to the color of their choice.  Every Prerelease Pack comes with the associated Hero Card (see below).

**Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck:  Each TEAM will receive 2 Journey into Nyx Prerelease Packs with which to build two 40 card decks.

Parking on site

Google Maps

Battleground’s Facebook Page

Please contact us with any questions.

What Do I Get?

Prizes are based on attendance. There will be 2 booster packs per player put into the prize pool. Prizes packs are typically awarded to the top 35% of finishers.

Each Player will receive one Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack that contains:

2 Journey into Nyx booster packs
2 Theros booster packs
1 Born of the Gods booster pack
1 Seeded booster pack*
1 Premium promo card
1 Activity card
1 Spindown life counter
1 Welcome Letter
1 Hero Card,
For this event, players may use the promo card included with the Prerelease Pack in their tournament deck.

*Contains cards from Theros, Born of the Gods and Journey into Nyx that are or have synergy with the color you chose.

What Else Can I Do?

Open Dueling: Open Dueling players each receive 1 Journey into Nyx Intro Pack. Open Dueling players use their Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches. All players should be encouraged to help teach Open Dueling participants how to play Magic.

Commander Melees:

Use your Commander decks with your friends!

Come down, play some cards, check out the new set, and meet some new people!

Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering | 1 Comment »

PAX East 2014 wrap up and future plans

This past weekend was quite the weekend. It’s been several days and I am finally settling back to some kind of normalcy. It’s funny. I waited so long for PAX East to come around and when it finally came I was so tired after the first day. Now that it’s past, I can’t wait for it again. I really enjoyed being busy, and I am especially happy I left Sunday as open as I could have so I could spend time in the tabletop room.


I have to say, and I am probably sound very biased, but Battleground Games & Hobbies really had a tight crew this year. You should all feel really proud of yourselves and the job you did. I’m sure you left quite the impression among all the PAX East attendees who came by the booth. You even had some StarCraft 2 celebrities stop by! Although, I had to remind Chase of who they were. It’s okay though, I let him take the credit.


Now that the weekend is over it’s time to get back to my writing. If you’re into video games at all, I encourage you to check out my coverage of PAX East. I got to meet with some great people on the industry side of things. I even got to sit down with Mark Purvis, the Brand Director for Magic, and Liz Lamb-Ferro, the Brand Manager for Magic, and talked about the latest edition to the Duels of the Planeswalker series. I couldn’t get any specific Magic 2015 spoilers, but meeting them was still a lot of fun.


The one thing I didn’t get to do that I wanted to accomplish was all the “networking” for Extra-Life. I realized, during a lot of my interviews, that we were all on a strict schedule. However, I was able to get a lot of e-mails through PR companies. So we’ll see if I can get anything done through them.


Now that PAX East is over…


While I didn’t get to play any new board games at PAX East, I did get to play some games I had only played once or twice before. It was good because it reminded me that I really need to purchase copies of these games. The games I played were “Smash Up,” “7 Wonders,” and “Formula D.” If you haven’t played them yet, I highly recommend you do soon.


I did manage to get my hands on at least one game. That game was “Quarriors.” I’m a little late to the game when it comes to “Quarriors,” but it’s better late than never. I am trying to get myself ready for when Marvel Dice Masters eventually comes out. I was also very interested in getting the Lord of the Rings edition as well. However, I need to learn the basics. For all I know, I might hate the game, but I doubt it. I also wanted to get a copy of “Dungeon Roll,” but I was too slow in pulling the trigger when it came to buying it. I just hope Battleground Games & Hobbies will have more copies on hand in the future.


Boston Festival of Indie Games


With PAX East in the bag, I am now looking forward to the Boston Festival of Indie games. For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about, the BostonFIG, is a game festival hosted at MIT. This year will be the third year of the event, and if you haven’t been there before I think you should give it a shot. There is a video game section as well as a board game section.


I was able to check out a little of the video game section and there were many award winning indie developers (many of whom were based in Boston) that were in attendance. Most of my time was spent in the tabletop section that was located on the second floor of the student center. By the end of the day, it was very packed and moving around was a little difficult. For some games, there were lines of people waiting to demo them. Hopefully this year they will find more room for the games. The video game section was held in the athletic center. So they had plenty of room to work with.


This year’s festival dates have not yet been announced, but it should be some time in the fall. Last year it was in September. I’m thinking it should be around then. I’ll update this post when the dates are announced.


*UPDATE: While posting this blog post, I realized they did post the date for the BostonFIG. It will be held on September 13, 2014.


Journey Into Nyx prerelease coming soon


As you can tell by the header, the Journey Into Nyx prerelease is coming soon. Over the past few prereleases, I’ve gotten a little tired of them. I’m not going to lie, I miss having the last booster pack. Don’t get me wrong, the pack that comes with your chosen “path” is a neat idea, but it’s lost its flavor, and now it tastes rather stale. That might just be me though. I would much rather have the randomness of the last pack. I mean, what if, out of the other five packs, you don’t get any help for your chosen path? Now you’re left with a pack for that path and no help. Cue the sad music.


There is still a couple of weeks left before the event. I guess I still have time to decide if I want to go or not.


Will any of you be going to the prerelease? What are you looking forward to from Journey Into Nyx?


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!


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Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 1 Comment »

PAX East 2014 – Thank You!

There is simply no question that the hardest the Battleground staff works all year long is the week leading up to and through PAX East weekend. For the show to go off so well, we need everyone giving their all, and this year we were blown away with how much effort our staff and volunteers put in.


I’d like to begin by thanking Chase, without whom our PAX presence (and so much of what Battleground does) just couldn’t happen. Considering the industry we work in, it seems perfectly acceptable for me to quote Star Trek in how I feel about Chase: “[I] feel safer about [his] guesses than most other people’s facts.” His organizational skills, researching ability, and limitless drive are what set the pulse of Battleground.


To the entire staff of Battleground, I give my thanks. For those of you that take the journey with us to the show and manage to remain on your feet all day long and never lose the capacity for a smile, a conversation, or an opportunity to help someone find the perfect game, I am so grateful for your presence and your dedication. To the staff that remains behind to hold down the fort at our Abington and Plainville locations, you also deserve high praise. Your sacrifice of not attending the show in order to put in long hours over the weekend does not go unnoticed!


To the volunteers who give so much effort to help us do what we do at PAX East, I am utterly humbled by your stamina. Before I even needed to open my mouth to ask one of you for help, you were already there. Without your command of the Tabletop Hall, the PAX East gaming convention would be a lesser show. How many people leave with memories of the great time you showed them with nothing more than your love of playing games? We are so proud of how much you give to the people who attend the convention. Teaching games until your voice is hoarse and scoffing at the notion of sleep – you are why we succeed.


And finally, to those who come to spend time with us at our booth and with our demo team, we thank you for your company and support. We are grateful for your friendship and for being a part of our shared enthusiasm for all things gaming.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, as I still haven’t shaken off the exhaustion from the weekend, but I already can’t wait for next year!


Thank you so much!





















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Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Events, Featured Author, Featured Post, Popular Posts, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | 6 Comments »

‘journey into Nyx’ Sealed Product Pre-orders Now Available!


Battleground Games & Hobbies is excited to announce that for ‘Journey into Nyx’ – the third set in the ‘Theros’ Block – we will be taking sealed product and single card pre-orders for the very first time! Pre-order’s for ‘Journey into Nyx’ is available now, but quantities are limited, so act fast! Additional product, such as Intro Decks, Fat Packs and more will be added as they become available. Single cards will be added as they are spoiled and confirmed. Product becomes available for pick and shipping on May 2, 2014!


Don’t forget, the Journey into Nyx prerelease is right around the corner, too! Join us here at Battleground Games & Hobbies for a first look at the latest set the weekend of April 26th! Please click here to learn more.


Please note that ‘Journey into Nyx’ sealed product is available for domestic (United States) shipping only – no international shipping. In addition, orders with both available items and pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item is available. If you have any questions, please refer to our story policy page or feel free to contact us.


Click the link below to pre-order!

Journey into Nyx Booster Packs – $3.79

Journey into Nyx Booster Box – $99.99

Journey into Nyx Booster Case – $599.99


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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