Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Journey into Nyx Event Deck List Revealed




Wizards of the Coat featured writer Mike McArtor revealed today on the packaging and full deck list of the up coming Journey into Nyx Event deck. Event decks are 60-card pre-constructed decks (including a 15-card sideboard) designed to be competitive for Friday Night Magic. In this case, the Journey into Nyx features a blue and red “burn” deck. Check it out!


Main Deck

60 cards

9  Island
4  Izzet Guildgate
12  Mountain

25 lands

1  Ætherling
1  Battlefield Thaumaturge
1  Chandra’s Phoenix
3  Guttersnipe
1  Ogre Battledriver
1  Oracle of Bones
4  Spellheart Chimera
3  Young Pyromancer

15 creatures

1  Anger of the Gods
2  Divination
1  Fated Conflagration
2  Flames of the Firebrand
1  Harness by Force
4  Lightning Strike
3  Magma Jet
1  Mizzium Mortars
2  Searing Blood
1  Steam Augury
2  Turn // Burn

20 other spells


2  Dispel
2  Elixir of Immortality
3  Essence Scatter
2  Flames of the Firebrand
3  Izzet Staticaster
3  Negate

15 sideboard cards


What do you think? Any of these cards exciting? Let us know in the comments below! Purchase this deck and customize it at Battleground Games & Hobbies!



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‘Journey Into Nyx’ Fat Pack Challenge preview


The “Journey Into Nyx” prerelease has come and gone. With that we learned about the God Packs that Wizards of the Coast snuck in and, once again, caused a stir all over social media. I even wrote about it. You can check it out here! (Shameless plug)


If you loved playing in the prerelease, then you should come try the Fat Pack Challenge that’s going on this Friday, May 2, at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations. What’s a Fat Pack Challenge you ask? Well get ready, because that’s what I’ll be covering this week.


The Fat Pack Challenge will be taking the place of other formats at this Friday’s FNM. For an entrance fee of $40.00, players will receive one sealed “Journey Into Nyx” Fat Pack. If you’ve never purchased a Fat Pack before, here is a list of what you’ll get:


  • 9 “Journey Into Nyx” booster packs
  • 2 Deck-sized card boxes
  • 1 pack of 70-“Journey Into Nyx” basic land
  • 1 “Journey Into Nyx” life counter


That’s right, you’re getting nine “Journey Into Nyx” boosters! That’s where this fun format separates itself from Sealed Deck events. For some people, this is a lot of fun. The reason being is that in an official Sealed Deck event, you would normally get 2 “Theros” packs, 2 “Born of the Gods” packs, and 2 “Journey Into Nyx” packs. This is also where things can be difficult for some people. Without access to cards from the other two sets, some strategies become disrupted.


So, back to the Fat Pack challenge. The rules state that you’re only allowed to build with the contents of the Fat Pack. With the added God packs and the fact that they are only found in “Journey Into Nyx” packs, the question, now is, how many God packs may be opened at the challenge? Also, would this help you or be detrimental to your deck building? It all depends on what your other packs contain. Remember, “Journey Into Nyx” is a much smaller set than “Theros.” This means that there will be a lot fewer options for cards, but it also means there is a higher chance you’ll see a lot of the same cards.


Let’s talk strategy


As the headline states, let’s talk some strategy. I know when it came to Theros Sealed, I loved to go Green and just build big. I loved to try to ramp up and toss out the biggest and fattest creatures I could. I’m talking about creatures like “Nemesis of Mortals” and “Nessian Asp.” Unfortunately, I won’t have access to those creatures.


I still really like the color green in this set. Creatures like “Hydra Broodmaster,” “”Heroe’s Bane,”  and “Humbler of Mortals” are sure to give some grief to your opponent. Green also gives you access to “Ajani, Mentor of Heroes.” While he doesn’t spell the end of the game for your opponent, it will definitely help push things along.


My second favorite color would have to be black. There is a lot of removal in black. Even the creatures have abilities that remove creatures from the game such as “King Macar, the Gold-Cursed.” He may only be a 2/3 for 4 mana, but his inspired ability may make him worth the effort. However, cards like “Brain Maggot,” “Dictate of Erebos,” and “Feat of Dreams” will really help to control the game and allow you to go all the way.


If you can manage to find the right balance between the two colors, you may have a winning combination at your grasp. Don’t forget you’ll have access to the new temple as well as the newest playable God, “Phrika, God of Affliction.”


The weakest color out of the bunch, in my opinion would have to be blue. I’ve always found it really difficult to build a true control deck in a Limited format like Sealed. Add the fact that we’ll be playing with the third set of the “Theros” block, and it gets even harder. Remember, we’re dealing with fewer cards in this set. If this was the “Theros” Fat Pack challenge, it might have been a different story because we’d have more options, more cards to deal with, but we don’t.


This doesn’t mean you should avoid blue all together. If you get the right combination, blue is still a worthy color. Cards like “Sigiled Starfish” and “Dakra Mystic” help to manipulate the game in your favor. Creatures like “Hypnotic Siren” and “Scourge of Fleets” are ones, as an opponent,  people will need to watch out for as they can turn the tide of a game in a moment’s notice.


Blue will also give player access to “Keranos, God of Storms” and “Fleetfeather Cockatrice” which will definitely give opposing players a headache.


If you get a God pack


If you’re one of the lucky ones to be blessed by the Gods of Theros, there are a few things you can do. One thing you could do is pick up your things and go home. You’ve already one without playing a single game. I don’t like to talk about prices here because this is a game that should be played because it’s fun and not because you could make money, but some of those Gods carry a hefty price. I don’t think anyone would fault you if you did.


Another piece of advice I have would be to find a way to play all 15 Gods in your sealed deck. I’m not guaranteeing that you’ll win, but I’m fairly certain you’ll have a really good time, if you don’t mind losing some. I mean, can you imagine the face on your opponent if they see you start to play God after God after God!? It might things worth it in the end.


God Pack 2

You could be as happy as this guy!


Well that’s it for now. As of right now, I will be at the Fat Pack challenge in Abington. If any of you out there attend AND I’ve never met you, then come say hello. Otherwise, I’ll expect some kind of hug; I’m looking at you Nick Lowe!


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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“God Packs” Confirmed in Journey into Nyx




We all have dreamed about the possibility of opening a so-called “God Pack,” the contents of which contain extra rare or mythic Magic the Gathering cards. Well, it appears as if now you can! As discovered at Journey into Nyx pre-release events around the world, there is a chance to open all fifteen Theros Block mythic “God” cards in one booster pack!


God Pack 3

Picture courtesy of


Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast announced “A Divine Gift” on, that these packs are indeed real and not limited to pre-release events; there are more “God packs” out there! In addition, they also mention that should you open these packs in a Limited event, you should consult the Head Judge immediately, as he or she has the discretion – in the interest of fairness – to issue to you a new booster pack of Journey into Nyx.


That means that, while the pre-release may have come and gone, there are more of these packs out there!


God Pack 1

Picture courtesy of Photo taken at Games Laboratory in Australia.



Have you or anyone you know opened any of these so-called “God Packs”? Let us know in the comments below! Plus, don’t forget to join us this Friday at Battleground Games & Hobbies for the Fat Pack Challenge! A lot of Journey into Nyx packs will be opened this Friday; who will open a “God Pack,” will it be you?



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Coming Soon: ‘Gloom’ 2nd Edition


Atlas Games has shared information on its planned late summer release of a new edition of the popular card game Gloom.


Gloom 2nd Edition will feature new packaging and art as well as streamlined rules and icons, with the hope that the improvements will make the game even easier to learn and play.  The new edition is completely compatible with the first edition’s core game and all first edition expansions.  The expansions, which include Unhappy HomesUnwelcome Guests, and Unfortunate Expeditions, are also in the process of second edition reprints.  All new reprints will bear a “2nd Edition” marking,


Gloom was a major recipient of the “TableTop Bump,” as sales increased to the point of sellout and reprints after it was featured on Season 1 of the show.





Like this game? Battleground Games & Hobbies carries a full line of Gloom!



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Announcing Journey into Nyx Fat Pack Challenge!

Journy into Nyx

Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington and Plainville MA

Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Fat Pack Sealed**
Date: May 2nd, 2014 a FRIDAY
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: $40.00

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

Battleground’s Fat Pack Challenge is back for Journey into Nyx!

Journey into Nyx will be released on Friday, May 2nd and we will have a full line-up of events for you to crack packs, build decks and play Magic at both of our stores! The weekend will kick off with our flagship Sealed Deck style event.

The Battleground Fat Pack Challenge is taking place on Friday night, 5/2/14, at both locations (run as our FNM). These are the ultimate sealed events – where you open packs, build a deck and play with just the contents of a Journey into Nyx Fat Pack!

The concept of a Fat Pack Challenge is pretty simple. Each player will receive a Journey into Nyx Fat Pack with which to build a 40 card deck. Players may use ONLY what is inside of their Fat Pack to construct their decks. No additional land will be provided!

After building your deck players will compete to win prizes like TShirts, playmats, deck boxes, Magic promos, and one lucky winner will take home a plaque commemorating their victory.

We’ve got two of these events for you, one at each Battleground Games & Hobbies location! See you there!


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Magic 2015 to Feature 14 Cards Designed by Renowned Game Designers



Wizards of the Coast has announced that the set will feature fourteen cards from some of the world’s most renowned game developers! The Magic 2015 – Core Set releases July 18, 2014.


The announcement was made last week at PAX East with George Fan, designer of Plants vs Zombies, revealing the card he designed, Genesis Hydra:



The developers who contributed their card ideas for Magic 2015 include:


  • George Fan: designer of Plants vs Zombies
  • Mike Krahulik & Jerry Holkins: Gabe and Tycho, creators of Penny Arcade
  • Markus Persson: “Notch,” creator of Minecraft and founder of Mojang
  • Richard Garriot: “Lord British,” creator of the Ultima series
  • David Sirlin: designer on Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Yomi
  • Rob Pardo: chief creative officer at Blizzard, lead designer of World of Warcraft
  • Isaiah Cartwright: lead game designer for Guild Wars 2
  • Justin Gary: designer of Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer and Solforge
  • Stone Librande: lead designer at Riot Games, designer of Diablo 3, creative director of SimCity
  • Brian Fargo: founder and CEO of inXile Entertainment, director of Bard’s Tale, Wasteland, executive producer of Fallout
  • Mike Neumann: Gearbox Software, creative director on Borderlands
  • James Ernest: owner and lead designer for Cheapass Games, designer of Kill Doctor Lucky
  • Edmund McMillen: indie designer of Super Meat Boy, featured in Indie Game: The Movie
  • Brad Muir: game designer at Double Fine Productions leading Massive Chalice, project lead on Iron Brigade


Journey Prerelease


In addition to the cards designed by the 14 game developers, Magic 2015 will feature a card designed by the Magic community. The card, Waste Not, was a result of “You Make the Card,” a six-month long event during which the Magic community worked together to design a brand-new Magic card.


Press release courtesy of Alfred Cloutier.


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