Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Konami Announces Updates to ‘Battle Pack 3: Monster League’


Konami has shared details regarding the highly anticipated Battle Pack 3: Monster League for its Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG, which releases August 1st. Who’s excited?!

Like other Battle Packs, Battle Pack 3: Monster League is designed specifically for booster draft play.  Konami teased earlier this year that it would introduce something new, but kept changes under wraps until now.

The first new feature in this release is the 10 new cards used to enhance draft and sealed games: the set includes two new Monsters, two new Spells, and six new Traps. All these cards are focused specifically on the battle dynamic, but are also 100% legal for regular constructed deck play.

The second feature is the “Shatterfoil” cards.  Previous Battle Packs have had Starfoil cards and Mosaic Rares; this new release has shattered-glass style cards, and all 237 cards in the set can be had as Shatterfoils.  Further, every pack will contain 1 Shatterfoil card.


This set will also see the return of the Xyz Monsters from Battle Pack 1: Epic Dawn. However the Xyz Monsters can only be had as rare, Shatterfoil-only cards.

The special tournament rule for draft/sealed play with Battle Pack 3 is the “Monster League” rule: All monsters are all Types.  This means that regardless of monster placement (in deck, extra deck, hand, graveyard, field, or banished) all monsters are treated as every monster Type.  (The Monsters have put aside their differences and united in a giant Monster League.)

The Battle Pack 3: Monster League set will contain 237 cards, with a rarity breakdown of: 165 Commons, 55 Rare, and 17 cards only available as Shatterfoils (though all 237 cards can be had as Shatterfoils).  Each 5-card pack contains 3 Commons, 1 Rare, 1 Shatterfoil.


Coming soon to a Battleground Games & Hobbies near you!




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Journey into Nyx Game Day – One Week Away!





Format: Standard (with a cut to top 8.)
Date: May 25th, 2014
Time: 2:00pm
Entrance Fee: $10.00 per person

Google Maps
Battleground’s Facebook Page

This event will be run as a box tournament.  Every participant beyond 12 will add $10.00 store credit to the prize pool. The event will cut to a top 8 or top 4 based on attendance. Deck lists are not required for this event.

All players will receive a full art, promo Squelching Leeches.  The top 8 players will receiver a foil, full art, promo Dictate of Kruphix.

And don’t forget to Defeat a God!

At Game Day be sure to bring the Hero Cards you’ve earned while traveling the Hero’s Path to help you triumph over the Defeat a God Challenge Deck at Journey into Nyx Game Day. This special deck is a challenge you can take on during Game Day, between rounds, or at your convenience. It’s not a part of the tournament, but you’ll want to defeat Xenagos to earn the ninth and final Hero Card on the Hero’s Path.




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Popular Geek & Sundry Sensation ‘TableTop’ to Produce RPG Show




Popular hobby retailer news website reported yesterday that YouTube sensation TableTop will launch an RPG spin-off series, after raising $1,414,154 on crowdfunding website  The successful fund raise will also fund a 20-episode Season 3 of the series, which airs on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel.

Funding for the 36 day campaign ended on Saturday, with 22,210 backers pledging ($63.67 average per backer).  In addition to the promised 20-episode TableTop season, the campaign also blew past the promised bonus goal of a spin-off RPG series at the $1 million mark.  Backers continued to pledge to receive perk items from companies including Cards Against Humanity, Days of Wonder and Loot Crate.  Game designers Mike Selinker and James Ernest also will be designing a downloadable TableTop: The TableTop Game for backers.

A post-campaign update touted two records that it broke:  most funded digital series on any crowdfunding site, and most funded campaign in a day (for Indiegogo), with $261,000 pledged on the first campaign day  (which also happened to be International TableTop Day).

The campaign, had it been on Kickstarter (and actually been a physical release), would have earned TableTop the #9 spot on our recently updated Top 10 Tabletop Game Kickstarters chart.

In a post-campaign video, host Wil Wheaton thanked all backers and promised that Season Three would debut later this year, with the RPG spinoff arriving early next year.  The RPG show was described in the video as “in the TableTop style” with Wil and friends playing a season-long RPG campaign.  The series “will follow a group of players and their characters through multiple levels, challenges, and possible character deaths as an entire campaign is played out over the course of a year.”





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This week in ‘Magic: The Gathering’ – Vintage Masters, Boxborough TCG Player 5K, and State Championships

This has been a pretty busy week for “Magic: The Gathering.” Today, Wizards of the Coast announced that they were filing a lawsuit against Cryptozoic Entertainment and Hex Entertainment. Wizards is claiming that the game “HEX: Shards of Fate” is a “clone” of “Magic.” The lawsuit goes on to include claims about “copyright, patent and trade dress infringement.”


In case you haven’t check it out, “HEX” looks a lot like “Duels of the Planeswalkers.” Even the mechanics of the game are really similar. If you asked me, “HEX” looks to be a lot of trouble.


Vintage Masters previews


In other news, the previews for Vintage Masters have started on This is really looking like a fun set for Magic Online. I’ll get into the big stuff, but for those of you who enjoy pauper, Circular Logic and Arrogant Wurm are going to be common in Vintage Masters. This means that they’ll be allowed for use in the Pauper Format. It also means that Madness will be a deck that you’ll be able to play now. I’m definitely going to build this. Want an idea of what it’ll look like? Then check this out:



2 Terramorphic Expanse

11 Forest

9 Mountain



4 Basking Rootwalla

4 Arrogant Wurm

4 Wild Mongrel

4 Gathan Raiders

4 Granger Guildmage

4 Scab-Clan Mauler

2 Werebear



4 Fiery Temper

4 Lightning Bolt

2 Firebolt

2 Lightning Axe


This was a deck list that was suggested by Gavin Verhey on DailyMTG. It’s definitely a good start. While it doesn’t play one of my favorite counterspells, this looks to be a very aggressive deck. Arrogant Wurm is a very scary creature. It’s much scarier when you can get him out earlier than his five mana casting cost. As fun as this deck looks, I’m still going to try to find a way to play U/G Madness.


Obviously, the main attraction of the Vintage Masters will be the release of the Power 9. In case you didn’t read the announcement, a new rarity was created just for the Power 9. This new rarity is called “Special.” Ironically, there is nothing special about the name and is rather lack luster.


According to DailyMTG, a piece of power can be opened at a ratio of one out of every 53 packs. They’ll also be twice as rare as a Mythic rare. I asked a really popular Magic finance guru what his thoughts were on the price of these cards online, and he had this to say,


What’s even cooler is that Force of Will is going to be a rare in the set. I believe Mana Drain will also be in Vintage Masters. This is going to be a really popular set on Magic Online. The best part is that because this is a digital product, we don’t have to think about limited print runs. Granted, they won’t be available forever online, but players won’t have to worry about Wizards running out of cards to sell because they didn’t print enough.


Boxborough TCG Player 5K


The TCG Player 5K was held in Boxborough, Mass. last weekend. I went despite some early morning health issues. However, they subsided by the time I got to the event. I went with a couple of friends and some a few familiar faces from the Abington store.


A big shout goes out to Jesse who I also met at the event. Jesse plays Commander at the Abington store and used to be a more competitive player. Did I mention he told me he read’s my stuff!? (yeah, that’s me bragging) He was in Boxborough to get back in the thick of things. Similar to me. I’ve been trying to get back into the competitive groove, and I think this was a good start.


Granted, my record was horrible at the end of the day, but I felt like I got a lot out of it. If you want, you can read my full report here. State Championships


This weekend will be the State Championships. I’m currently thinking about what I want to play. At the Boxborough 5K I played B/G Devotion. It was similar to the list that had won the Open Series in Cincinnati, OH a few weekends ago.


Will any you be in attendance this weekend? Still thinking about a deck? Well here’s the deck I suggested to play at the end of my Boxborough TCG Player 5K tournament report:


Main board:

4 Desecration Demon

4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel

4 Brain Maggot

4 Lifebane Zombie

4 Underworld Connection

4 Thoughtseize

4 Hero’s Downfall

4 Devour Flesh

2 Bile Blight

1 Ultimate Price

4 Mutavault

4 Temple of Malady

4 Overgrown Tomb

13 Swamp


Side board:

4 Duress

2 Dark Betrayal

2 Doomblade

2 Erebos, God of the Undead

2 Abrupt Decay

1 Ultimate Price

2 Golgari Charm


So you may notice a few things out of place with this deck. First of all, I am terrible Pack Rat player. However, after taking it out, I quickly felt very comfortable with the deck. Sometimes they say play the deck you’re most comfortable with, and this is it. I also took out the green splash in the main board. It was moved to the side board. Also, I settled the debate over Nightveil Specter being in the main board. I decided to remove it all together and replace them with the Lifebane Zombies from the side board.


I felt that having the Zombies in the side board was limiting my side board options and, thus, didn’t give me many removal spells. I moved the Zombies to the main to open up my horizons.


So you may notice a few things out of place with this deck. First of all, I am terrible Pack Rat player. However, after taking it out, I quickly felt very comfortable with the deck. Sometimes they say play the deck you’re most comfortable with, and this is it. I also took out the green splash in the main board. It was moved to the side board. Also, I settled the debate over Nightveil Specter being in the main board. I decided to remove it all together and replace them with the Lifebane Zombies from the side board.


I felt that having the Zombies in the side board was limiting my side board options and, thus, didn’t give me many removal spells. I moved the Zombies to the main to open up my horizons. If you’re unsure about this deck, don’t forget that you still have FNM to test the deck out. So give it a shot this Friday.


Ps. There is still plenty of time in May to help me get to my goal of $300 in my Extra-Life Fundraiser. So if you’d like to donate today, then click on the banner below. The link should take you to my donation page. If I hit my goal, I’ll be giving away a copy of “Takenoko”! Thanks for donating!


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




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‘Arrogant Wurm’ and ‘Circular Logic’ Announced for Vintage Masters!

Battleground Games & Hobbies has a healthy paper-Magic Pauper community. So it’s no secret that when Wizards of the Coast announced earlier this week on that ‘Arrogant Wurm‘ and “Circular Logic‘ (as well as ‘Goblin General’) would be “printed” in Magic Online set Vintage Masters, the local community became abuzz with speculation and excitement.


Arrogant Wurm
Circular Logic

Since the popular Pauper format follows the Magic Online rules, this means that building a Madness deck in Pauper both online and paper-Magic events is now a reality! Consider that these cards are all available in common: Aquamoeba, Wild Mongrel, Basking Rootwalla, Deep Analysis, Fiery Temper, Merfolk Looter, Looter il-Kor, Werebear and so many more.

Time will tell if a Madness deck becomes viable to take on the Pauper format’s top decks. Join us at Battleground Games & Hobbies every Saturday at 2:00 PM and find out if Madness ask what it takes!

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Wizards of the Coast Announces Deck List for Modern Event Deck

“March of the Multitudes”


Main Deck

60 cards

4  Caves of Koilos
2  City of Brass
4  Isolated Chapel
5  Plains
4  Swamp
1  Vault of the Archangel
4  Windbrisk Heights

24 lands

2  Soul Warden
3  Tidehollow Sculler

5 creatures

3  Honor of the Pure
2  Inquisition of Kozilek
4  Intangible Virtue
4  Lingering Souls
3  Path to Exile
4  Raise the Alarm
2  Shrine of Loyal Legions
4  Spectral Procession
1  Sword of Feast and Famine
3  Zealous Persecution

30 other spells

1  Elspeth, Knight-Errant

1 planeswalker


2  Burrenton Forge-Tender
2  Dismember
3  Duress
2  Ghost Quarter
3  Kataki, War’s Wage
3  Relic of Progenitus

15 sideboard cards


This is the text from the back of the box:


Get started with the deep-strategy Modern format in style! Draw on rare, high-powered Magic™ cards from past sets with this tightly constructed 60-card deck. Also includes a 15-card sideboard, strategy guide, Spindown™ life counter, 80 exclusive card sleeves, 5 double sided tokens, and a deck box.


Pick up the Modern Event Deck and find a Modern event near you.

March of the Multitudes

Leaders like Elspeth, Knight-Errant generate an army of token creatures, while spells like Intangible Virtue and Honor of the Pure inspire them to victory. White removal cards along with black disruptions keep your opponent off balance until you can strike the killing blow.”

Are you looking forward to when Battleground Games & Hobbies receives our’s in stock? If so, make sure you act fast to pick up your copy of the first ever format-specific (most event decks are tied to sets, rather than formats) Event Deck! Quantities will be limited, so act quickly.

What do you think of the Modern Event Deck? Are you happy with the deck list itself? Do you like the cards in it? Let us know in the comments below!

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