Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Wizards of the Coast Announces 2014 Holiday Gift Box

Wizards of the Coast will release its annual Holiday Gift Box for Magic: The Gathering, featuring cards from the Khans of Tarkir set, on November 14th.

Like last year’s gift box, the illustrated box will come with four booster packs, 20 basic lands, six illustrated plastic dividers, a sticker sheet to customize the dividers and an alternate art card, all from the first set in the Khans of Tarkir block, which releases  on September 26th (with pre-releases THIS weekend!).  The box has storage capacity for over 2,000 Magic cards.

This product makes a fantastic holiday gift for friends and family! Look forward to seeing this great product at your local Battleground Games & Hobbies.



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‘Khans of Tarkir’ Pre-release Weekend Begins TONIGHT @ MIDNIGHT!


Battleground Games & Hobbies Khans of Tarkir Pre-release weekend begins tonight at midnight! Join us!


Come to our Khans of Tarkir Prerelease and experience the newest Magic: the Gathering set a week before it goes on sale!

The Khans of Tarkir Prerelease presents players with a special opportunity to open a Prerelease Pack. There are five Pre-release Packs to choose from; each corresponds to a one of the five clans in Khans of Tarkir:

The Abzan Houses – White/Black/Green
The Jeskai Way – Blue/Red/White
The Sultai Brood – Black/Green/Blue
The Mardu Horde – Red/White/Black
The Temur Frontier – Green/Blue/Red

If players would like to be guaranteed a specific Khans of Tarkir Pre-release Pack they MUST pre-register for the event they would like to participate in.  Please speak to any friendly staff member in store or contact us here to pre-register. 

Abington Store:
1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Plainville Store:
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: September 20th Friday night / Saturday morning
Time: 12:00am (midnight) – BOTH LOCATIONS
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: September 20th Saturday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm – PLAINVILLE
Time: 2:00pm – ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: September 20th Saturday night
Time: 6:00pm – PLAINVILLE
Time: 7:00pm – ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck**
Date: September 21st Sunday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm in PLAINVILLE
Time: 7:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: September 21st Sunday night
Time: 6:00pm in PLAINVILLE
Time: 2:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

*Sealed Deck: Each player receives one Khans of Tarkir Pre-release Pack corresponding to the clan of their choice.

**Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck:  Each TEAM will receive 2 Khans of Tarkir Pre-release Packs with which to build two 40 card decks.

Parking on site

Google Maps

Battleground’s Facebook Page

Please contact us with any questions.

What Do I Get?

Prizes are based on attendance. There will be 2 booster packs per player put into the prize pool. Prizes packs are typically awarded to the top 35% of finishers.

Each Player will receive one Khans of Tarkir Pre-release Pack that contains:

5 Khans of Tarkir booster packs 
1 Seeded booster pack* 
1 Premium promo card (40 unique promos available!)
1 Activity card 
1 Spindown life counter 
1 Welcome Letter 
For this event, players may use the promo card included with the Pre-release Pack in their tournament deck.

*Contains cards from Khans of Tarkir that are or have synergy with the clan you chose.

What Else Can I Do?

Open Dueling: Open Dueling players each receive 1 Khans of Tarkir Intro Pack. Open Dueling players use their Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Pre-release tournament players who are between matches. All players should be encouraged to help teach Open Dueling participants how to play Magic.

Come down, play some cards, check out the new set, and meet some new people! We look forward to seeing you!

Don’t forget to check out our Online Store for all your gaming needs!

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This week in Magic: Let’s build a deck!



Welcome to another “This week in Magic.” For this week’s edition we’re going to tackle some Standard. I am a terrible deck builder, so I thought that it would make a perfect topic for this week. With Khans of Tarkir coming out very soon, it’s time to get a little realistic and start thinking about possible deck ideas. Out of all the color combinations, I am a big fan of Jesaki (URW). Although, I’m sure at some point, I’ll find my way playing Mono Red.


I guess the first question is where to start. I think the best place would be with the new “Mantis Raider.” This card reminds me a lot of Lightning Angel. In fact, I wish it was Lightning Angel, but you can’t have everything you want, I guess. This guy is going to be the base of our deck. The game plan will be to land him early and hope he sticks around to eventual win us the game. We’re looking at a possible midrange deck here with counterspells and burn spells. Remember, the Mantis is only a 3/3. This means that its vulnerable to Lightning Strike, Bile Blight, and numerous other creature removal spells.


In a format where three colors seems like it will be the norm, I feel like we’re going to need some help in the deck manipulation field. I’ve always been a fan of Omenspeaker, but it’s never really had a place in Standard – that is until now. I think it’s going to be great come post rotation. Not to mention they’ll serve as great aggro fodder. A two mana 1/3 wall that can scry 2 for us is nice.


The biggest loss that blue will feel is the rotation of Jace, Architect of Thought. As of right now, I don’t think the new Jace can cut it, but we’ve got to start somewhere. Another alternative could be Steam Augury. There was some hype when this card was first spoiled, but since then, it has cooled off a lot; to the point that it’s not even a blip on the radar. Khans may see the comeback of Steam Augury.


Mindswipe is a great contender to make the deck. Just like every other card we’ve discussed, Syncopate leaves the format thanks to rotation woes. Mindswipe has some big pros and cons. The big benefit to the card is the ability to burn your opponent. Denying your opponent a spell and punishing them for not being able to cast the spell is rather dirty. However, we lose speed in the spell due to the extra mana needed to cast it. Syncopate was so good because control players were willing to shock themselves in order to Syncopate for one mana. Now the earliest we can counter is on turn three.


Speaking of countering on turn three, Dissolve remains in the format and there doesn’t seem to be any other option that is better in that slot. The is, of course, Dissipate, but being able to scry wins in my book. Alright, let’s take a look at this Frankenstein of a deck so far:


Jeskai Midrange
4x Mantis Rider
4x Omenspeaker
1x Keranos, God of Storms


4x Dissolve
3x Divination
2x Mindswipe
3x Banishing Light
3x End Hostilities
3x Jeskai Charm


4x Jace, the Living Guildpact
3x Elspeth, Sun’s Champion


4x Mystic Monastary
4x Mana Confluence
4x Temple of Enlightenment
4x Temple of Epiphany
2x Temple of Triumph
4x Island
2x Mountain
2x Plain


This thing looks like a pile, but it’s a start! As you can see I finished the deck as I started typing out the list of what we had. I didn’t have the guts to add Steam Augury, but if you think it will work, then kudos to you.


End Hostilities is something I am definitely on the fence about. However, this deck does need a board wipe, and we’re limited in that department. I decided to also go all in with the new Jace. I guess the only way we’ll see if he’s good or not is to actually try him out. Also, while Mantis Rider is an excellent creature, we can’t forget that Elspeth is still in Standard. She also pairs extremely well with the new Jeskai Charm.


Divination is an important addition to the deck. It’s so important is that not only do we not want to miss a land drop, but not we have to be conscious of not missing certain colors. Banishing Light is a great solution to many things. I’d like to bump that number to four, but what do we cut? Maybe an Omenspeaker? If the field is not as hostile, then it may be safe cut.


Finally, check out that lone Keranos. I feel like this is a solid one-of. If you draw him, then it’s going to be a bumpy ride for your opponent, but if you don’t, then it’s not the end of the world. There is a little chance you’ll ever turn him on, but that’s not the main goal here. We want him for his secondary ability.


I’m going to end things here for this week. However, I’m going to leave you, the reader, with some homework. First, I would love to know what you think? Are we off to a good start, or should we scrap it and try something else. I’m hoping there is some potential. I know one thing is for sure, that mana base needs some work. So leave your comments and constructive criticism in the comment section down below!


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




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Judge’s Chamber: Morphology 101 by Ken Briscoe



mtg card back

Get used to seeing the back of this!



You’re probably asking yourself why I’m writing an article about Morph, the mechanic returning (for the third time!) in Khans of Tarkir. Surely it’s not so complex that it needs its own rules explanation…right?


WRONG. Read on to see why I, as a Judge, want you to know all the ins and outs. I definitely don’t want to issue any penalties, so as a favor to me, please soak this up…


What’s complicated?

Did you know that Morph doesn’t use the stack? That’s right, you can flip the card face-up and pay the cost, and your opponent can’t respond to it. In the same way they can’t respond to you tapping a Forest for green mana. Once you decide that flipping a Morph creature face-up is what you want to do, it just happens. No responses, no triggers, no instants, no nothing will cause this to not happen. No Trickbind or Stifle (even if they’re not in Standard) will stop this. IT JUST HAPPENS. PERIOD. HARD STOP.
OK, so that’s not so bad, but what is? Some cards, such as the recently-spoiled Master of Pearls have triggered abilities that trigger when they are turned face-up. While the act of turning a creature face-up does not use the stack, any abilities that trigger when that happens do use the stack and can be responded to. Other cards have effects that happen as the creature is being turned face up, such as Hooded Hydra. Take the following example:
You attack me with a 3/3 while I control a face-down creature (which, at this point, is a vanilla 2/2). I block, and you have no effects. Surprise, I do! I pay five mana and turn my creature face up to reveal that it’s Hooded Hydra. As it is being turned face up, I put five +1/+1 counters on it.
Remember, this all just happens. No stack involved, and no opportunity for you to Shock my creature. Once it’s face up, you can Shock it, but that won’t destroy it because it’s a 5/5. Once combat damage is dealt, both creatures will die. But once I said that I had effects and paid the Morph cost, it’s too late for you to respond by killing my face-down creature.
Another common question from players who’ve never played with Morph before is one similar to what we recently had with the Bestow mechanic. That is, “When I flip a Morph creature face up, does that count as coming into play?”
The short answer is no. The long answer is no, here’s why: Face-up/face-down is a status, just like tapped/untapped or flipped/unflipped (from Kamigawa-block flip cards). If that piece of cardboard was already on the battlefield and you just move it around a bit, that doesn’t count as entering the battlefield. It counts as staying on the battlefield.


What’s My Name?

Heads up, folks, we have a new token. It looks awesome, but as a judge, I have one issue with it.
This looks pretty sweet, with one exception – a Morph’s name, while face-down, is not “Morph”. Face-down creatures do not have a name. No name at all. These tokens are strictly a reminder and not a hard-and-fast representation of the game state.


Why does that matter?

I control two face-down creatures. You have Bile Blight. You want to kill one (or both) of them. You cast Bile Blight on one of them. I have no responses. What happens? The answer is that the face-down creature you targeted with Bile Blight is the only one that dies. Why? Because since Morph creatures don’t have a name (despite what that silly token may imply), then they can’t share a name. Which means the creature targeted with Bile Blight will die, its face-down comrade will not.


Face-down non-Morph

This is really the impetus for the article.You’re at the pre-release and you decide that you want to bluff your opponent. You decide to pay 3 and put a card into play face-down. Except, since you’re bluffing, you put an instant face-down, not a creature with Morph. Turns go by and you eventually win, maybe thanks to your bluff. Your opponent isn’t so happy but is none the wiser to your bluff.






Not sure I can express this any other way. Only creatures with Morph should be placed face-down on the battlefield. (Ixidron shenanigans aside.)


In fact, if there is a face-down creature on the battlefield, you must reveal it to all players when either of the following things happen:


  • The game ends.
  • The face-down creature would move from the battlefield to any other zone. If it’s bounced to your hand, you reveal it. If it’s destroyed, you reveal it. If it’s exiled, you reveal it. If it’s put on top of your library, you reveal it.


These measures are in place to prevent the scenario of having an instant (or any other non-morph card) being on the battlefield, either by accident or by an ill-intentioned player.


Moving Morphs

“Ah ha,” you’re saying, “I won’t play my non-Morphs face down, but I will move around my face-down creatures on the battlefield so my opponent won’t know which is which!”
This is another one of those “don’t do that” scenarios. While your opponents don’t have the right to know the exact Morph creature that any particular face-down creature is, they do have the right to know certain characteristics about them. For example, they have the right to know the order in which they entered the battlefield. They have the right to know which, if any, are summoning sick, tapped, or have any counters on them.
So my recommendation is to lay out your battlefield in such a way that your face-down creatures are side-by-side in chronological order. This will reduce confusion all around.


Speaking of Counters

If a face-down creature has any counters on it, when it’s turned face up, it will retain those counters. So if you cast Hunt the Weak and choose your face-down creature to fight one of my creatures, later on when you turn it face up and reveal it to be that Hooded Hydra from earlier, that Hydra will be a 6/6, not a 5/5.
What about the other type of counter? You cast a Morph creature face-down. I decide I want to counter it, even though I don’t know what it is. What happens? Recall from earlier that if a face-down creature would go from the battlefield to any other zone, you must reveal it. That’s only part of the story. When a face-down spell is countered, it goes to the graveyard face up, like any other spell. So while it’s on the stack, I might not know what the creature is, but if I counter it, I’ll know exactly how good or bad my decision to counter it was.


In a Nutshell

So while there are a couple of non-intuitive features to the Morph mechanic, if you remember the following few things, it should get you through 99% of your interactions with Morph:


  • Always remember to reveal the Morph at the end of the game, or if it would change zones!
  • Keep your face-down creatures distinct and clearly separated so each player can differentiate them.
    Counters, Auras, and Equipment will stay on the Morph creature even after it’s turned face up (unless the face up creature has protection from the Aura or Equipment).


And some strategic advice straight from 2002: Kill the Morph.
Thanks for reading.

About the author

Ken Briscoe is a local competitor of the Abington store and lover of all things “Magic: The Gathering.” He began playing “Magic” during Revised, and quit for about 6 years. He then picked things right back up at Mirrodin block. For real work, Ken is an IT Consultant. He is also a die-hard Boston Red Sox fan. He attended Syracuse University and Bridgewater State. but not at the same time. His latest accomplishments include beating Paul Calder last week in fantasy baseball.


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Announcing the MTG ‘Khans of Tarkir’ Fat Pack Challenge!

BG banner

Battleground Games & Hobbies is proud to announce details for the popular Fat Pack Challenge event!


Khans of Tarkir (KTK) will be released on Friday, September 26th and we will have a full line-up of events for you to crack packs, build decks and play Magic at both of our stores!  The weekend will kick off with our flagship Sealed Deck style event.

The Battleground Fat Pack Challenge is taking place on Friday night, 9/26/14, at both locations (run as our FNM).  These are the ultimate sealed events – where you open packs, build a deck and play with just the contents of an Khans of Tarkir Fat Pack!

The concept of a Fat Pack Challenge is pretty simple.  Each player will receive an Khans of Tarkir Fat Pack with which to build a 40 card deck.  Players may use ONLY what is inside of their Fat Pack to construct their decks.  No additional land will be provided!

This time around we’ll be awarding the prizes a little differently than before.  During the deck building period, each player that enrolled in the event will receive 1 raffle ticket.  An additional raffle ticket will be awarded to players for every match they win.  Raffle tickets will be pooled throughout the event. 

Battleground will do several drawings each round.  If your ticket is drawn you’ll win 3 booster packs of Khans!  We know you’ll want to open as much of this set as possible, so we’ve got you covered.
The booster pack raffle will be accompanied by other random giveaways that might include playmats, pins, and tshirts.

We’ve got two of these events for you, one at each Battleground location:

Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Fat Pack Sealed**
Date: September 26th, 2014 a FRIDAY
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: $40.00

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

Battleground’s Facebook Page

Don’t forget to check out Battleground’s Online Store for Magic Product and Supplies!



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This week in gaming: Revisiting the Extra Life Challenge


This week’s article is going to start off a little bit reflective. First of all, I can’t believe I’ve been doing this weekly since February. Now if I could only convince myself that running was like writing. Maybe I’d be in better shape. If you’ve stuck with me since the beginning, I want to thank you, and if you’re just getting here, then I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride for however long you stick around for – which I hope is for a while.


So, I bet you’re wondering why we’re starting off in such a reflective mood. Well, the reason being is that one of my first few articles was titled, “From couch to cash: Trying to redefine the gamer stereotype.” In this post, I talked about how I had read a comment that, to the effect, made gamers still sound like couch potatoes. In fact, for a while, gamers have been doing quite a bit. This even included participating in numerous charity events including, but not limited to, Child’s Play, Awesome Games Done Quick, and Extra Life.


A couple weeks after I wrote that post, I signed up to take part in the Extra Life challenge and began my campaign to raise as much money as I could for the charity.


What is Extra Life?

For those of you who don’t know, Extra Life is a charity organization that raises money to help benefit the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The hospital I am raising money for is the Boston Children’s Hospital.


As the story goes, Extra Life got it’s first big start in 2008. Then, Extra Life was a way to honor a girl by the name of Victoria Enmon. She was then battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A small group of independant gamers known as the Sarcastic Gamer Community got word of her battle and members send in games and other gifts to try to raise and maintain her spirits through numerous visits in and out of the hospital.


Unfortunately, Victoria lost her battle with Cancer in January of 2008. Later that year, the Sarcastic Gamer Community decided to put on the first 24-hour gaming marathon to try to raise money for the hospital that treated Victoria. In 2008 and 2009, the group raised a combined $302,000, all of which went to the Texas Children’s Hospital.



Since then, thousands of gamers have gotten together every year to help raise money for kids who end up in hospitals for extended stays due to various ailments. The money raised goes towards a variety of purposes to help kids out.


Why do I Extra Life?

First of all, it goes towards a great cause which is helping kids out. I don’t have to remind you how much fun games are. I also don’t have to remind you how much fun games were when you were a kid. Imagine being stuck in a hospital with nothing to do because you’re too sick to leave. I would go crazy. Thanks to charities like Extra Life, that doesn’t have to be the case.


Another reason why I Extra Life is because I am a gamer. I have to admit, part of me is in a little competition with myself. Just like in any other game, I try to hit as many achievements as I can and score as many points as possible. Well, here I’m trying to raise as much money as I can. In every little detail I’m trying to out do myself, and this is my first year! Call me nuts, call me ambitious, but either way I’m having a lot of fun.


Plus this gives me a reason to play games with my friends for 24-hours! Does it get any better? Of course all of this work and campaigning is all leading up to the big event.


Save the date: October 25, 2014

The big event is only a little more than a month away. Admittedly, I’m scared. Scared of what you ask? Well the obvious is failure; failure to launch when the big day comes. I’m not going to lie. When you’ve invited all 600 friends on Facebook and only 15 have said they’re going, it’s a little uncomfortable. However, I take comfort in knowing that 15 have said they are coming and not zero. I also take comfort in knowing that I am half way to the goal I set at the beginning of the campaign. I also take comfort in knowing that I belong to a great local gaming community.


So, while I have my fears, I know that I also have reasons to believe. Alright, enough rambling, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on at this big event.


Well, I’m still working on it. I do have a few ideas in mind. I wonder, though, how much should I let you know? I can tell you this, I would definitely love to have a “Magic: The Gathering” Pauper tournament. Pauper is such a fun and casual format, but the group that plays at the store can be quite competitive. So with that in mind, I might make some special rules. For example, I’m probably going to ban Delver. That’s a pretty good start in my opinion.


Another possible, special event might or might not involve Derek Lloyd, a Wizard’s Cape, and an original Dungeons and Dragons adventure. However, if you want in on this action, you’ll need to make a donation to the charity. Oh, and the catch is that seats will be extremely limited. Did I mention it will probably be a one-time thing in the entire 24-hour gaming marathon.


There will be plenty of other things to do as well. It’s not just going to be 24-hours of MTG. We’ll have board games, and possibly even some video game consoles. We’d also love a way to stream the event to Twitch. So if you can’t be there in person, you can at least watch all of the action.


Taking part in Extra Life

I’m happily and constantly taking monetary donations. I am, of course, working on ways to “invite” donations, though. I’ve got a few things lined-up to raffle off and giveaway. These are things that I have obtained myself and through my own funds. However, I wouldn’t mind help in this category. So, if you have something that you are willing to part with, and are willing to donate to me to giveaway or raffle to raise funds, let me know.


As much as I would like everyone I know to come and take part, I get that we all have lives. I should also note, people who come to the event are not obligated to stay for the 24-hours. If you can only make it for a few minutes, that’s good enough for me. I appreciate the support.


In case you didn’t know, you also don’t have to wait until the big event to donate. Here is a link to my Extra Life profile page. On the page you’ll see my goofy face and huge button that says, “Support Me.” Just click on the button, select the amount you wish to donate (which can be whatever you are comfortable with), enter some info, and that’s it. Simple!


Oh, I forgot to mention. The big event is happening a the Battleground Games & Hobbies Abington store! We’re going to start at 12:00 AM and go until 12:00 AM the next day! So stick around after FNM if you’re there.


That’s it for now. If you have a comment or anything then leave a message down below. If you want to contact me about the Extra Life charity or for all other inquiries you can also e-mail me at


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




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