Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

TODAY in Abington – Grand Prix New Jersey Trial

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Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington MA


Format: LEGACY
Date: November 1st, 2014 a Saturday
Time: Doors at 10:00am, Registration at 11:00am, Round 1 pairings at 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Parking on site

Google Maps
Battleground’s Facebook Page

This event is being run as a Grand Prix Trial for New Jersey:
• Decklists required
• Cut to top 8

Prizes will be paid to the top finishers in Store Credit usable in store or online!

Don’t forget to check out our Online Store for your Magic singles!



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TONIGHT – Happy Halloween Special Event Celebration

To celebrate Halloween this year, Battleground Games & Hobbies is changing it up once again with the latest take on our Magic Halloween event!  Players are invited to show up in costume (or not, that’s okay too – see below) with a Modern legal “Themed” deck (and sideboard).

Deck Construction Details:
This year we’re asking players to construct decks entirely around one (and only one) “Halloween themed” creature type.  Creatures of a type different than the one you’ve chosen are not allowed.
Players will be given 12 slots in their deck to fill with cards that are not basic lands or the creature type they’ve built their deck around.
Legal creature types include:

Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Special Format, see above**
Date: October 31st, 2014 a Friday
Time: 7:30pm
Entrance Fee: $5.00 (FREE if you’re in costume)


1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

Battleground’s Facebook Page

On behalf of the entire staff at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween!

Don’t forget to check out our Online Store for your Magic singles! 

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This week in gaming: A special thank you



Our massive game of “Werewolf” hosted by Derek


I’ve gone through a lot, personally, this year. I lost my uncle to a heart attack, my aunt lost her battle with cancer, I’ve been “in between moves” for most of the summer, and looking for a job is a never-ending story with me. However, the one thing that has been the biggest help to keeping my sanity have been all you – my friends, my family, and the entire gaming community at Battleground Games & Hobbies.


The night before the 24-hour marathon, I got very little sleep. If I remember correctly, I went to bed around 4 AM. That’s been the norm for me for quite some time, but I still wish I had gone to bed a little bit earlier.   The day started like every other day. I got out of bed, checked my e-mail, and then made my postings for the store on all of the social medias. That’s when it hit me. The culmination of almost eight months of work was almost here.


I admit I was a little nervous, but more anxious than anything. Who was going to be there? Was anyone going to show up? Would I hit goal? As you could tell, there was a lot on my mind. In the end, though, it was an amazing day with amazing people. Even if you were there just to poke your head in, I appreciated it.


There are a few people I’d like to single-out though. They are in no particular order.


Wyrmwood Gaming

When I got to the store the first thing I wanted to do was check on the package that Wyrmwood Gaming had sent me to help support the fundraiser that weekend. There is no doubt they had a big part in us hitting our goal.


I remember when I first met Ed and Doug at PAX East 2014. I had been introduced to them by my friend Eric who wanted to know if I’d be interested in covering their product. When I first laid eyes on what they had to offer, I knew I was looking at something special.


In early September, I ran into Ed and Doug again at the Boston Festival of Indie Games. They were posted in the table top gaming area. It made sense, especially considering the product they offered. That’s when I first pitched to Ed the idea of being a part of the Extra Life marathon. I thought their product would be a great way to entice people to donate to the cause. It would also help get their name out to their primary audience.


Ed was extremely gracious and had told me that they had recently donated to another cause and would be happy to help me out. I was blown away at what they had to offer. One of the items they were showing off at the festival was their new Dice Tower. In fact, it was making it’s first public appearance. I was a little scared at first, but I eventually gathered the guts to ask if they’d be willing to have a Dice Tower ready for the fundraiser. This was a bold move in my part because they had just that prototype from what I understood. Luckily Ed said yes and more.


I’m happy to say that the Dice Tower package went to a very deserving couple at the end of the night.

Pegg-wheat dice tower

Alley, Amanda, and Ken

Wyrmwood wasn’t the only ones to personally help out that night. Those of you who were there may have seen a couple of the other items we had up for grabs that night. One of them was an awesome painting done by Alley Livingston. She had messaged me, one day, on Facebook and told me she was going to do some art that I could raffle off at the marathon. Up to that point, I only had the Wyrmwood gaming items and, possibly, box of Magic cards that I was going to donate myself to the raffle. So, for someone to come out of nowhere and say they want to donate something that takes time, creativity, and more to make means a lot to me.


Alley painting

Amanda was another person who took the time to make something for the raffle. That crazy-looking purple thing you may have seen is called a Hanar. It’s actually an alien character from the game Mass Effect. If you don’t know what that is, then I recommend you look it up after reading this week’s article.


Over time, Ken has amassed an incredible amount of packs for winning numerous drafts and other events at the store. In fact, he may even have a vault similar to the one Scrooge McDuck has. However, instead of gold coins, it’s full of booster packs from Magic. Unlike Scrooge McDuck, though, Ken was gracious enough to donate a box worth of boosters to the event that night. These are packs that he earned from playing and with money he spent. He may not want others to know, but I want people to know, he had already made a generous donation prior to donating the box. So give it up for “Good Guy Ken.”


Derek and Chase

Of course, there would be no event without Derek and Chase. When Derek gave the approval to host the 24-hour gaming marathon at the store, that’s when I said to myself, “ Alright. We’re really doing this.” To be given a space to hold the event with such ease, I have to consider myself extremely lucky and am happy to have friends in such high places.


The months leading up to the event, my mind had been set only on the Abington location. I think it was only a couple of months prior to the event that Chase said he wanted to host an event at the Plainville location. I have to say I was caught off-guard. I thought it was great enough that an event was going to happen at one location, but who can say that they had the ability to host the event at multiple locations? Not a lot.


As I look back on things, I can’t think of any problems that were had. We may have blown a fuse or two due to the number of Xboxes we had, but that’s a first-world problem some wish they had. If I needed anything, I could have it.


Do me favor, and I’m sure you do this enough yourself, the next time you see Derek or Chase, shake their hand and say thanks. What they do is tough, and there are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that can make their jobs difficult, but, in the end, they manage to put on a different face when they’re around you.


The overnight crew and everyone else

Before I say anything else, I want to thank everyone who showed up, donated, and even helped spread the word. There are a lot of you. You all know who you are. The last spotlight I want to shine is on the overnight crew. Who is the overnight crew? This is the late night crew. Some of them I have already thanked, but this is for those who I haven’t. Check out the picture below.


Overnight Crew

Note: there may be some who aren’t in the photo and that might be due to the fact that they were passed out upstairs in the loft, or were in the back room playing Dungeons and Dragons.


These people were there either all 24-hours or for most of it. These people are like my brothers/sisters-in-arms. It’s one thing to try to take on a beast that is 24-hour of gaming by yourself, but to be in the company of others makes it a little less painful.


Some other quick thank you’s go to Josh for driving me to the event and then leaving me there, Scott for lunch, Dan for bringing extra donuts after Josh brought some, everyone who participated at the Plainville store, Chad for setting up the Xbox corner, and to Pete who shared his personal connection to the event (that was the best feeling ever).


I’m really hoping I didn’t leave anyone out, but I’m sure I did – everyone does when they’re thanking people. If I did, I’m sorry. Don’t hate me. Thank you!


One last thing…

In case you missed it, I announced a couple of nights ago how much was made. Both stores, combined, raised almost $2000 for a grand total of $2538! For our first year, I think we did a pretty good job.


That’s it for now. If you’d like, the 2014 Extra Life donation page will be active for the rest of the year. Who knows, maybe we’ll break $3000. A couple of quick thoughts: we’re doing this again next year, I’m going to organize a team, we’re going to change the times of the event to what everyone else does: Noon – Noon.


As always, if there is something you need to say, ask, anything, sound off below in the comment section, and until next time.



About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!



Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!




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This week in gaming: Extra Life worldwide celebration event


xtra life battleground banner

Click on the banner to donate today!

It’s hard to believe that this Saturday will be the culmination of almost a eight months worth of work. The funny thing is, all things considered I feel like things still could have been better. First let me introduce you to what I’m talking about.


At the tail end of February, I wrote an article titled, “From couch to cash: Trying to redefine the gamer stereotype.” It was basically a response to a comment I had read in the digital version of The Boston Herald. The article was about PAX East making it’s way into Boston for 2014. A user by the name of AlfredNobel had made the comment, “Must be a great event if it motivated all these people to get up off the couch.” I don’t know what it was, but something inside me really reacted to the comment and motivated me to do something. That something was to pledge to commit to a charity – either Child’s Play or Extra Life.


I remember that the store had recently hosted an event for Child’s Play where they raised almost $500 for the fund. I thought it was great, but I had decided to go with Extra Life. One of the big reasons I chose Extra Life was because I really liked the idea of a worldwide celebration. Although, they make it very clear that you don’t have to hold your event on that day. Still, having seen many streams on Twitch last year, I know a lot of people make the effort to hold their events on that day. It was then that I decided, “This, I can do.”


For those of you who don’t know, Extra Life was originally established by a group of video gamers known as the Sarcastic Gaming Community to honor the life of a young girl by the name of Victoria Enmon. Sadly, she lost her battle against Cancer in 2008. However, Extra Life has continued to honor her and many other kids who are struggling with other ailments and having to deal with extended stays at hospitals by helping raise money every year for them. In 2008 and 2009, Extra Life raised a combined $302,000. Just last year, Extra Life raised $4 million.


The Big Event

This Saturday will be what we’ve been leading up to since the Extra Life commitment began in Feburary. Some groups have broken up the celebration into different hour to two-hour long fundraisers. I felt like being ambitious for the first year and wanted to do the whole 24-hours in one shot. I am going to do my best to be awake the entire time, but I have to admit, part of me will probably fall asleep for a couple of hours. In fact, a lot of the “tips and tricks” I’ve been reading in the Extra Life forums have said to never attempt to be awake for the entire 24-hour duration. I’m inclined to agree with them. This is for charity and I’d like to be able to physically do this next year. Also, I’m sure we’ll manage to find a way to have fun with my and my sleeping “habits.”


I bet you’re wondering what can you expect if you show up to the event. First of all the event starts at 12:00 AM October 25th. So if you’re either the Abington or Plainville store on Friday, either for FNM or just hanging out, when the clock strike midnight, the Extra Life event will have started. At 1:00 AM both stores will hold a giant Werewolf party game. I haven’t played this in a long time, but Derek was extremely excited to do it.



Throughout most of the day we’ll also be hosting $10 mini-master “Magic: The Gathering” tournaments. If you like opening packs, this is the event for you. I’m also sure that there will be plenty of people around for fill-and-fire drafts for Khans of Tarkir.


If you’re not into Magic, have no fear! Remember, Extra Life started out as a fundraiser that seemed to be exclusive to video gamers. However, over the years, and thanks to the growing popularity of board games, it has evolved into something more. That’s why you can expect plenty of board games to be available. You should also bring your own board games. Also, don’t worry if your game isn’t one of those fancy European board games – Monopoly is always welcomed.


My hope is to use this time to possibly learn how to play one of the major miniature games such as Warmachine or Warhammer 40K. I’m just looking for the basics!


At 6:00 PM, both stores will host a special Dungeons and Dragons charity event. I’m not sure if I am allowed to disclose any details of the event here, but I can say that Sam will be hosting the event in Plainville and Derek will be hosting the event in Abington. These are two very creative and experienced minds, and if you’ve ever wanted the chance to play with either one of these guys at the wheel, this is your chance! I would take full advantage of it.


Raffles galore!

Of course, what kind of charity event would it be if we didn’t have special items to raffle away. Scheduled for 10:00 PM, I’ll be giving away some amazing items that have been donated to the event in hopes to raise money for the kids of Extra Life. We’ll have some amazing artwork from Alley Livingston and Amanda Pegg-Wheat. Ken Briscoe has also, graciously, donated a whole box of Khans of Tarkir. This is one of the hottest “Magic: The Gathering” products right now and each box holds amazing value. Lastly, Wyrmwood Gaming has been awesome enough to donate a phenomenal package for the event. One lucky raffle winner will get a Commander-sized Deck Box. Check out the sample photo below.



One other raffle winner will get the following: 1x Dice Tray, 1x Dice Vault, 1x TBA. Check out the sample photo of the tray below. As for the TBA, I’ll announce it the day of the event. So make sure you’re following Battleground Games & Hobbies on all of their social media – Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram.



Hope to see you there

This has been a lot of fun to take on all year long. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs. There are definitely points where I know I can improve upon. For the most part, I’m proud of what I have accomplished. I set, what I think, was a high goal for myself which was $1000. You have to remember, this is my first year and I’m did most of this by myself. At this point, I’ve raised $525, which is 53% of my goal. My personal goal was to hit $1000 before the event, but I’m happy with what I have so far.


Of course, if you’d like to help me out then click the banners at the top and bottom of this article and donate today. There are still two days left until the big event.


For now, I want to say a big thanks to Battleground Games & Hobbies because without them, there would be no big event. I’d also like to thank those who have donated items to be raffled off. I am full of emotion and cannot express enough gratitude towards your kind gesture. To those of you who have donated thus far, I am grateful for the donation that has come out of your pocket. Times just are not what they used to be, so for you to donate something that you have worked hard for means a lot to me and I’m sure means a lot to the kids you are helping out.


I’m sure I’ll be giving more thanks at the end of the night, Saturday. However, one last thing, Extra Life allows you to assemble teams. Maybe next year I’ll assemble the Battleground Games & Hobbies team. If you’re interested, let me know in the comments below.


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!




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Player at SCG Worcester Open Series Suspected of Cheating

10/30/14, 6:06 PM – UPDATE: Trevor Humphries is suspended for a period of four years. In addition, Alex Bertoncini is likewise suspended for a period of three years.


Last weekend, retailer and event organizer Star City Games of Virginia hosted their well-known tournament series, the SCG Open, in Worcester, MA. Earlier today, a post on surfaced in which the eventually winner, Trevor Humphries, is allegedly caught on camera stacking his opponent’s deck by sliding cards to the top of his opponent’s deck while shuffling.


Unfortunately, we can’t embed a video, but you can watch the match in question by clicking here. Specifically, watch Mr. Humphries shuffling his opponent’s deck during the second game.


Here is a .gif of the alleged issue in close detail, courtesy of redditer J_Golbez.


Furthermore, additional evidence has supposedly surfaced in which Mr. Humphries may have employed the shuffling tactics in question during the SCG Invitation earlier this year. You can see for yourself by clicking here.


Jared Sylvan, Level 4 Judge and Organized Play Manager for Star City Games, posted this to

“We have reviewed the footage of Mr. Humphries and concluded that there is enough evidence that we have submitted an investigation to the Judge Program. We have contacted Mr. Humphries to notify him of this and to request a statement for inclusion in the investigation.

This also activates our Prize Hold policy for players under investigation meaning that Mr. Humphries’ prizes will be held, pending the completion of this investigation. If the investigation results in a suspension, his prizes will be donated to charity.

Jared Sylva Organized Play Manager”


What do you think? Did Mr. Humphries deloy a cheat during his high profile match? Is Star City Game’s response adequate? You be the judge and let us know in the comments below.


We’ll update this story as it develops. Stay tuned!


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Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 11 Comments »

‘Magic’ Duel Deck Anthology Unboxing


Check this out! We found this on YouTube, on the official Magic the Gathering YouTube channel. Enjoy!


Duel Deck Anthology will be available at Battleground Games & Hobbies on December 5th!






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