Archive for the ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Category

MTG ‘Khans of Tarkir’ Now Available for Pre-order!




We’re happy to announce that sealed product for the next big Magic the Gathering release – Khans of Tarkir – is now available for pre-order! In addition, single cards for Khans will be added to our inventory catalog as they become spoiled and confirmed. So make sure you stay tuned!




Khans of Tarkir ships Friday, Setptember 26th! Order online and have it shipped right to your door and select in-store pick up and pick up at any one of our Battleground Games & Hobbies stores located in Abington & Plainville, Massachusetts!  Domestic shipping only. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item is available. Quantities are limited, so act today and reserve your Khans of Tarkir!








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This week in Magic: Sexism in MTG

Edit: (Sims) Hey everyone. This can be a touchy subject and I ask that if you leave a comment below to be respective of others’ opinions – whether or not you agree with them. Thank you. 


mtg card back

I first learned how to play “Magic: The Gathering” in fourth grade. It was during snack time, and a bunch of my friends were gathered around one person’s desk. I had no clue what was going on, but whatever it was, looked fun. There were these cards on the table, I could see images of mountains, forests, islands, swamps, and plains. I could see images of dragons, goats, bees, and orcs.


The only ones who were around the table, at that time, were boys. The girls in the classroom stayed on their side of the room and ignored us. Some of the other guys who weren’t interested thought what we were doing was boring or for nerds. It wasn’t a surprise and that was the behavior that was pretty much expected at the time.


I was in fourth grade in 1994. It has now been 20 years since I first experienced the game, and sadly, not much has changed since then. Sure, I’m older, fatter, and am only slightly better at the game then when I first started. However, from my perspective, it’s still a lot of guys gathered around a table casting spells at each other. Those who play still carry the stigma that what we do is uncool. As far as girls go, well that issue was actually touched upon today in an article published by The Washington Post.


The title of the article was, “Growing fantasy-game universe collides with entrenched boys’ club mentality.” I had to read it a couple of times before I finally understood what was being said. Let’s sit back and allow this to sink in. “Magic: The Gathering” is an exclusive club for boys. Sadly, yes. Think about it the next time you go to your next FNM. When the first round pairings go up, take a look at how many people in the tournament are female.


Blinded by the light

I’ve always thought of “Magic” as a game of non-exclusivity. In college, I was part of the “Magic: The Gathering” Club. Yes, I said club. We filled out the paperwork and everything. We could even have school sponsored drafts if we wanted to. Our club had almost 20 members at one point and we would “take over” the commuter cafe at UMass Dartmouth. One day, I had a friend come up to me. He didn’t play the game. I remember him telling me how great I and everyone else was because we just didn’t seem to care what people thought of us. If you asked me, I didn’t even think people noticed us playing.


The point is, I felt special at that moment. I thought we were making a “statement,” and doing away with the whole nerd title. We were’ actually kind of cool. Little did I know that we were still being exclusive even though it wasn’t obvious to us.


One of the guys in the club would bring his girlfriend every now and then. She would even play on some occasions. Looking back on it, every time she did play, she never seemed like she was comfortable. I didn’t think much of it. Maybe she was out of her element because some of us played more competitively than her. Sometimes all that card flicking and hand shuffling can look a little crazy and intimidating from the outside.


It never dawned on me that maybe she didn’t feel comfortable because she was the only girl at the table. Of course it was not an intention to make her feel this way, nor did any of us even think about it at the time.There is this concept of “treating her like one of the guys” or even “making her one of the guys” to make her fit in. Why do we have to make something that she’s not? We should have tried to bring in more girls to play with us.


No excuses

I have no excuses for what we did. I can go on saying that we didn’t have any ill intentions towards females, but the fact of the matter is we didn’t reach out. Sure, we were non-exclusive in the sense that if anyone wanted to join we didn’t hesitate in letting them in. The initiative was not there. While others may have thought we were this courageous group for playing a “nerdy” game in such a public setting not caring about what people thought of us, we still failed as a “community” group in that we didn’t try to pull in people to diversify us some more.


It’s always the little things that matter the most. So, what can we do about this now – in the present?


A few possible solutions

That was then, and this is now. So what can we do as a community to try to fix this? Let’s make this clear, it’s been 20 years for me in my experience, and, therefore, I do not expect this problem to go away overnight. Let’s start with babysteps.


Gaming stores used to have this promotion where if you brought a friend to an FNM (they had to be new of course; no DCI number), then your entry would be free or you got some free pack. It was different at every store. What you received didn’t matter, the point of the promotion was to encourage bringing new faces. This could be a great way to bring a friend, who is a girl. It could even make for a great date night!


Something I have been a fan of is the Lady Planeswalker Society. This is a Seattle based group that was started by Tifa Robles. She is the wife of Mike Robles who was a former Community Manager at Wizards of the Coast. I would love to see a local chapter come about. I have no idea if one exists in Massachusetts. If it doesn’t this would be a great opportunity to start one. The New England area is a very competitive area for “Magic.” Having a group here would be a great opportunity. The awesome thing about this group is that they promote themselves as “A welcoming, friendly community for women (and everyone) MTG players of all skill levels to learn and battle!” While they may be a female focused group, they make sure to mention that even guys are invited.


The wrap-up

This is a really difficult subject to tackle. I also know that this was more of a rough start to the discussion. My hope is that I did it some justice in around enough words to keep you interested, but no more to bore you to death. Once you’re done reading this, maybe you and some friends can continue the talk.
The article that was published by The Washington Post today was interesting. Do me a favor and scroll down to the comments section. Count how many of those comments actually address the issue at hand. Not many of them. In fact, many of the comments attack the writer for inaccuracies and other minor tangents.


The article addressed a major flaw with “Magic: The Gathering,” and that flaw is the lack of female attendees at major tournaments. I felt it was a bit skewed, but not at all incorrect. I didn’t know about that thread regarding Feline. Now that that I know about it, it’s just another pile of dirt from the hole men are continuously digging themselves when it comes to women.


For the women that are reading this, I like to think that there is a slight glimmer at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. The game definitely has some of it’s female standouts besides Feline. There are also Melissa DeTora, Carrie Oliver, and, most recently, Jadine Klomparens. These women have proven themselves on not just a local or national level, these women have been recognized on a world level. As a guy, let me say we know you can play the game, and you can play it well.


Speaking from my own experience, I once played against Melissa in a local tournament, and it scared me. Part of me even accepted the loss when I sat across from her. Needless to say, I won the match. I remember how mad she was (probably due to her competitive nature) and how much of a bumbling fool I was after trying to shake her hand and say, “Good Game.”


If you haven’t gotten it by now, my message for everyone is to reach out. Reach out and pull people in. It’s easy to say the door is open, but sometimes you have to show them in.


One of my favorite sayings in regards to “Magic” is that you’re only as good as those you surround yourself with. If it makes me a better gamer, male or female, I want you around me. I guess the invitation has always been in the mail. As guys, we just forgot to put on the stamp.


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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Wizards of the Coast Announces Major Changes to ‘Magic’



Wizards of the Coast announced yesterday, in an article titled “Metamorphosis” by Research & Development member Mark Rosewater, sweeping changes to the way that Wizards releases future Magic the Gathering sets and how it will affect organized play format rotation and more. In addition, Mr. Rosewater explains – in depth – the reasons behind these sweeping changes.

You can read Mr. Rosewater’s article in it’s entirety by clicking here (and we highly recommend you do).


However, we’ve put together for you the major changes, in a nutshell:


1. Beginning in Fall 2015, Magic Blocks will consist of two sets instead of three.

Beginning with the release of the set codenamed “Blood,” Magic blocks will consist of one large set and one small set, instead of three sets.


2. Beginning in Fall 2015, Magic will have two blocks per year.


3. Beginning in 2016, Core sets will cease to exist.

Wizards is eliminating the core set (the Magic 20XX sets). The core set due out next year will be the last.


4. Beginning in 2016, the first set of each new block (the fall and Spring sets) will trigger a format rotation.

This in some ways isn’t a change, but rather an adaptation to match the new Two-Block Paradigm. The first set of a block has always caused a rotation in the past. The Two-Block Paradigm just means that this now happens twice a year (in the fall and in the spring) rather than just in the fall,” said Mark Rosewater, in his article, to explain this change.


5. Beginning in 2016, the Standard Organized Play format will consist of three blocks, instead of two blocks.

In effect, to keep Standard fresh, interesting and robust, Wizards will be changing the size of the standard format. Ultimately, roughly the same amount of sets will be legal, except that the format rotates twice instead of once.


Sealed Product now available for pre-order!

Sealed Product now available for pre-order!


And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. What do you think of these changes? Please sound off in the comments below – we want to know what you think!








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MTG ‘From the Vault: Annihilation’ is HERE!

Check it out Magic the Gathering fans, the next installment in the highly popular From the Vault series: Annihiliation – has arrived at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations and is ON SALE NOW!



In addition, we have a limited quantity available in our online store, which can ship direct to your home or pick up at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location for your convenience.



Limited quantities available. So please be sure to act today! Own this highly collectible, sought-after Magic the Gathering product today!

And if you’re stopping by the shop today, don’t forget to join us for Friday Night Magic, too! We look forward to seeing you there!









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This week in Magic: Rabble, Rabble!

goblin rabblemaster

With the Modern PTQ season winding down, I figured it was time to change gears and formats this week. This week we’re going back to Standard. With the introduction of M15, there has been little to no change as far as what decks are played. There has been a change as to what decks have remained dominant, though.


A quick look at what has been winning will show you that Mono Blue decks have been on the rise again along with variations of Mono Red. Selesnya and Jund variants aren’t too far behind. It’s definitely aggro season out there. If you’re brave enough to pilot control decks, my hat is off to you; it’s tough out there.


If you couldn’t tell by now, the deck we’ll be taking a look at this week is Rabble Red. I got the chance to play this a couple of weeks ago to much success at the local FNM. I definitely plan on running it again this week. Overall, the deck is a lot of fun to play. I knew there was something special about Goblin Rabblemaster when it came out. Following it’s performance at the Pro Tour, it just further surmised my feelings on it.


Here’s a quick look at what I’ll be running.


Rabble Red
4x Rakdos Cackler
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
4x Firedrinker Satyr
4x Foundry Street Denizen
4x Goblin Rabblemaster
3x Rubblebelt Maaka
3x Legion Loyalist
3x Firefist Striker
2x Ash Zealot
4x Stoke the Flames
3x Lightning Strike
1x Titan’s Strength
18x Mountain
3x Mutavault


1x Legion Loyalist
2x Titan’s Strength
2x Dynacharge
2x Mizzium Mortars
2x Magma Spray
2x Searing Blood
4x Eidolon of the Great Revel


One of the first things I said to myself is that this deck is fast. Secondly, Goblin Rabblemaster gets out of hand very fast if left unattended. First let’s talk about the deck’s speed.



This deck curves out like crazy, and the most expensive spell in your deck is technically a 4cc spell, but it has convoke. Most of the time you’re casting it for nothing. Ideally, you’ll cast one of your 4x one-drops, then the following turn your setting up your Goblin Rabblemaster with either support creatures thought your Emissary or Striker. On turn three, your hope is to play a Rabblemaster.


Depending on your board state you may want to play him on during your second main phase. Remember, if you play him during main phase one, you’ll be forced to swing with your new Goblin token. However, that’s where Stoke the Flames comes in. Not only is it a great reach card for creature removal or damage to the dome, but it helps you from having to attack with your new token if you know it’s going to die.



There is a reason that this deck is called Rabble Red. Goblin Rabblemaster gets out of hand very fast. Let’s break him down. According to his second ability, he makes babies. That’s right. The very first thing he does, as you enter combat, is make a Goblin token with haste. Due to it’s timing, Goblin Rabblemaster will force your token to attack. It was mentioned earlier, but keep this in mind before you cast him.


It’s the third ability that really makes him stand out. A lot of people disagree with me, but when I first read this guy he reminded me of another Goblin that gave people problems when it was running around in Standard.


Goblin Piledriver

So what’s the difference between this guy and Goblin Piledriver? A lot, but we all know WOTC doesn’t make the same mistake twice. I’m not saying that Goblin Piledriver was a mistake, but they don’t go around printing the same powerful cards over and over again (see Jace, the Mindsculptor).


The Rabblemaster may not have protection from Blue or get +2/+0 for each other attacking goblin, but the Piledriver didn’t have a Legion Loyalist by his side. Don’t forget that in this deck you have Foundry Street Denizen and Legion Loyalists as additional Goblins. Add that to the fact that the Rabblemaster makes Goblins, and he gets big very fast. With just a Denizen and a Loyalist in play. attacking with all three Goblins – make that four – will turn the Rabblemaster into a 5/2 first-striking Goblin with trample that can’t be blocked by tokens. All this because you attacked with your Loyalist.


They’re all one big happy family

Let’s face it, without the combination of Legion Loyalist and Goblin Rabblemaster, this deck would just be a pile of red cards. The Battalion trigger on the Loyalist means that there is a high chance that my Rabblemaster will live through any of your defenses. Not to mention, he’s going to slam you for some damage.


Thankfully, we don’t have to rely completely on the Loyalist. Thanks to the really low curve of the deck, it’s completely possible to empty your hand in the first few turns. There were definitely times when I didn’t get a chance to play the Rabblemaster. However, I’m playing so many creatures that come down so fast, it can be overwhelming in this format.


Not every deck is perfect

While I greatly enjoy playing this deck, it is not without it’s share of problems. Some of the matchups you need to be wary of are RW Burn, Mono Blue, and GW Aggro.


The matchup against burn is a problem because they can aim most of their spells at your guys. Searing Blood is absolutely devastating against you. It is a brilliant 2-for-1 against you all the time. There is nothing worse than going for a pump spell and having it countered by Searing Blood.


Mono Blue can not only outrace you, but Master of Waves has protection from Red. Don’t forget that Tidebinder Mage can tap down one of your creatures. It’s not a total loss, but it’s not fun either. The same can be said about GW Aggro. Not only can the deck throw down just as fast, but thanks to creatures like Voice of Resurgence, they’re crew gets fat very fast. Then you’ve got to deal with Wurms, and more Wurms. The outcome just does not look good.


Well that’s it for this week. If you think I left something out or have any questions, then leave a comment below.


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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MTG ‘Duel Decks: Speed Vs. Cunning’ Deck List Released

Photo courtesy of Wizards of the Coast.


Wizards of the Coast released earlier this week the entire deck lists for upcoming Duel Decks: Speed Vs. Cunning release. Included are some Khans of Tarkir cards, too! Check it out and let us know in the comments below what you think of this new Duel Decks product!


1 Frenzied Goblin
1 Infantry Veteran
2 Leonin Snarecaster
2 Dregscape Zombie
1 Goblin Deathraiders
1 Hellraiser Goblin
1 Fleshbag Marauder
1 Goblin Warchief
1 Hell’s Thunder
1 Kathari Bomber
1 Shambling Remains
1 Mardu Heart-Piercer
2 Beetleback Chief
1 Krenko, Mob Boss
1 Ogre Battledriver
1 Flame-Kin Zealot
1 Scourge Devil
1 Zurgo Helmsmasher

1 Oni of Wild Places
1 Reckless Abandon
1 Shock
1 Bone Splinters
1 Arc Trail
1 Goblin Bombardment
2 Krenko’s Command
1 Act of Treason
1 Dauntless Onslaught
1 Orcish Cannonade
2 Fiery Fall
1 Fury of the Horde
1 Banefire

2 Evolving Wilds
1 Ghitu Encampment
2 Nomad Outpost
10 Mountain
3 Plains
6 Swamp




2 Faerie Impostor
2 Coral Trickster
2 Fathom Seer
1 Jeskai Elder
1 Willbender
1 Sparkmage Apprentice
1 Lone Missionary
1 Master Decoy
1 Echo Tracer
1 Kor Hookmaster
1 Stonecloaker
2 Aquamorph Entity
1 Hussar Patrol
1 Lightning Angel
1 Faerie Invaders
1 Thousand Winds
1 Arcanis the Omnipotent
1 Sphinx of Uthuun

1 Fleeting Distraction
1 Stave Off
1 Swift Justice
1 Impulse
1 Mana Leak
1 Lightning Helix
1 Hold the Line
1 Inferno Trap
1 Steam Augury
2 Traumatic Visions
1 Whiplash Trap
1 Arrow Volley Trap
1 Repeal

2 Mystic Monastery
2 Terramorphic Expanse
10 Island
3 Mountain
7 Plains









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