Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Welcome to another edition of This week in Magic. For this week, we’re going to take a beak from Modern UR Delver and take a look at a deck I’ve been playing in Standard, Jeskai Tokens. As for my experience, I’ve played the Jeskai Ascendancy combo deck as well as the Jeskai Control deck. Both were fun to play, but I actually had more success with the combo deck. I’ve always felt that the control (or “Midrange”) deck was lacking something. Thanks goodness for the Japanese and Yuuya Watanabe.
At the World Magic Championship we got our first look at the new Jeskai Tokens deck. As I watched it in action, it occurred to me, “Why didn’t anyone else think of this sooner.” It’s almost as if this is how all of the cards were designed to work together. Here is the list that Yuuya played for reference:
Main deck:
3 Battlefield Forge
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Flooded Strand
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Hordeling Outburst
1 Island
4 Jeskai Ascendancy
2 Jeskai Charm
4 Lightning Strike
2 Mountain
4 Mystic Monastery
2 Plains
4 Raise the Alarm
4 Seeker of the Way
3 Shivan Reef
4 Stoke the Flames
2 Temple of Epiphany
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Treasure Cruise
Side board:
1 Anger of the Gods
4 Disdainful Stroke
1 Elspeth, Sun’s Champion
3 End Hostilities
2 Erase
2 Glare of Heresy
2 Magma Spray
This deck has a really great flow, and feels like it curves out better than the midrange version. The midrange version had some awkward moments. There were times when you just couldn’t get a 2cc body onto the battlefield. This left you open for numerous attacks. With the addition of Raise the Alarm you can freely run you Seeker of the Way onto the battlefield. Even if it gets removed via a Lightning Strike or other removal spell, you can rest assured because you can count on Raise the Alarm as a confident back up plan.
The token generators plus Jeskai Ascendancy combine for some silly plays. You literally get the best of both the combo deck and the midrange deck. In one playtest sessions, I came across the scenario of drawing into three copies of Stoke the Flames. Of course, on the battlefield, I had both White Soldier tokens and Red Goblin Tokens. So, convoking Stoke the Flames was certainly an option. In fact, I needed to stop the game and get help to assess the situation in order to clearly see what my best plan of action was at this point.
Needless to say, while the deck does have it’s amazing offensive moments, the deck still has it’s weakness like any other.
Something you need to remember is that the effects of Jeskai Ascendancy only last until the end of the turn. When the effects end, your tokens go back to being 1/1’s. With 1/1’s, there is not much you can do against Sylvan Caryatids, Coursers, and Sige Rhinos. Did I mention that 2/2 Zombies can be a problem as well?
I think at this point, we all get how ridiculously powerful Stoke the Flames is. However, something that I think people forget is how expensive that spell is to cast. Sure, it has convoke, but you sometimes need creatures on the battlefield for this to work. It’s not the downfall, but it doesn’t help that it costs four mana to cast. I wonder if it’s at all possible to cut the number of Stoke the Flames down to two or three copies. What would this do for the us in the long run? Well, it could alleviate some mana issues I’ve seen the deck have.
That leads me to this next point. Jeskai Tokens is very greedy when it comes to mana. I want to do so much, especially on turn three. I think by cutting down on the number of hard casting cost spells, we might be able to combo off earlier. I know I said this deck was the best of both worlds, but let’s face it, we want to be able to utilize the Ascendancy as much as possible. Could it be possible to cut down on the Lightning Strikes as well? I’m not saying to cut them entirely, but down to a number like two.
So far, I’ve cut two copies of Stoke the Flames and two copies of Lightning Strike. Now let’s introduce some new additions to the deck. Here’s a small list of cards that may be viable:
Okay, I admit that Triplicate Spirits will probably not make the cut. However the first two cards are realistic possibilities. Another card I’ve had suggested to me was Defiant Strike. The first thing you’ll notice is that the card doesn’t have Convoke. However, it does draw us a card which might be huge. One mana cantrips are always very enticing.
Some final thoughts
I was watching Paul Cheon streaming the deck last night and he brought up a very interesting thing about the deck. He felt that this was a deck that didn’t need to run four copies of Treasure Cruise. Some people may call him crazy for thinking this, but what if he’s right? I guess the only real way to find out is to actually do it. However, let’s take a minute to reflect on this.
If you think about it, the only real time you maximize the power of Treasure Cruise in this deck is when you’re able to delve for the full amount. You’d also need to have Jeskai Ascendancy in play to sweeten the deal. This is not always the case though. I mean, you don’t always get the chance to delve for the full amount. In some situations, I’ve had to wait a turn or two in order to fill my graveyard to the delve depth.
With this in mind, let’s put back some of the Lightning Strikes. This way we can still burn our opponent out if needed. After all of the changes we’ve talked about, the deck would look something like this:
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Hordeling Outburst
4 Jeskai Ascendancy
2 Jeskai Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Raise the Alarm
4 Seeker of the Way
3 Stoke the Flames
2 Treasure Cruise
2 Defiant Strike
1 Crowd’s Favor
Well, that’s it for this week. Go out and try some of the changes we’ve talked about and let me know what your results were. See you next time!
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
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Tags: jeskai tokens, Simeon Cortezano, Standard
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 2 Comments »
Thursday, December 11th, 2014
Welcome back to another segment of “This week in Magic.” The last time we were here, I discussed some main board options for UR Delver for Modern. This week, I’m going to go over some side board options. If there is time, I’ll try to go over a local Modern tournament I 4-0’d with UR Delver. So, as a quick reminder, here is the full list that I ran:
Main board
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Gitaxian Probe
4 Serum Visions
3 Thought Scour
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Forked Bolt
2 Vapor Snag
2 Spell Snare
2 Mana Leak
2 Spell Pierce
1 Electrolyze
4 Treasure Cruise
2 Polluted Delta
3 Flooded Strand
2 Wooded Foothills
2 Bloodstained Mire
4 Steam Vents
2 Island
3 Mountain
Side board
2 Blood Moon
2 Electrickery
1 Negate
1 Dispel
2 Dragon Claw
1 Pithing Needle
1 Counterflux
1 Relic of Progenitus
2 Combust
2 Smash to Smithereens
I’ve been playing the deck for a couple of weeks now, and I can say with much certainty that Electrickery is now open. I initially had it in the side board for the mirror match. However, I realized the main focus in the mirror tends to be taking care of your opponent’s Young Pyromancer. A really interesting option I came across was running Izzet Staticaster. As an 0/3, the only way to kill it is with a Lightning Bolt, and it can survive most attacks.
I’ve been very happy with the many one of’s in the side board like Negate and Dispel. Some of the problem cards I’ve been running into have been other counterspells and Lightning Bolts. In those situations, Dispel really shows its strength. Negate has been great in countering some of those random spells that you were expecting or even forget exist in the format. Mana Leak and Spell Pierce are great early counters, but later on, their power takes a big dip. Having a hard counter like Negate is great during those times.
As for the rest of the side board, I think I need more time with it. Up to now, I’ve had no problem, but there haven’t been many opportunities to test it. For example, I have yet to try the deck against Affinity or Tron. What have I played against? Good question. To answer that, I’ll go over a local tournament I attended and won.
In the first round, I played against Merfolk. As someone who has played Mono Red Burn, and played against this match up a lot, I was not a fan. However, I have to find a way to remind myself, that I’m not playing burn anymore. My opponent had an okay start. They opened with a Cursecatcher and then followed that up with one of their lords. I was on the draw and I opener was a Swiftspear. I followed that up with a Lightning Bolt, then another Swiftspear. Now, I know I could have done it the other way around, but with Cursecatcher on the board, I needed to be sure I could pay for the one mana in case they sacrificed it to counter the Bolt. My opponent didn’t and let their lord die. When I followed the Bolt up with another Swiftspear they were a little confused.
Now with two Swiftspears on the board, things began to get out of hand. I played spells without hesitation to help grow my monks and eventually take game one.
Unfortunately, for my opponent, the only creatures he saw were two Spellskites. I would land a turn two Young Pyromancer and it would stick. Numerous spells later, I had acquired a fleet of elementals and the game was over.
For the sake of time, I’m going to skip ahead to the fourth and final round. This was a match against Splinter Twin that had no Tarmogoyfs. Game one did not go well for me. However, it went as well as it could for the Twin player. How perfectly well did it go? At the end of my third turn, they played Deceiver. It resolved and tapped my only other blue source. Of course they could just be leading me on, but my opponent untapped, drew their card, and then played their Twin. On to game two!
In game two, I brought in a Dispel, a Negate, and two Combusts. I took out an Electrolyze, both Forked Bolts, and a Gitaxian Probe. Something tells me that a probe is the wrong thing to take out here, but I am still unsure what is better. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Game three, I realized I needed to get an aggressive start. So I mulled with the intent to get turn one creature down. I know Lightning Bolt is a serious issue here, but if I can get it to stick, I’ll feel a lot better about the match. If I remember correctly, I mulled to five cards before I was satisfied. I landed a first turn Delver, but it didn’t last long as it was bolted the next turn. I got very lucky and drew into a Young Pyromancer. I was lucky enough to have the Pyromancer stick around for quite a few turns. My opponent even had landed a Ratchet Bomb at one point, but hesitated in blowing it up. Later in the game, I played a Delver with the Bomb still in play. My opponent had made a big play mistake when they ticked the Bomb up to one counter. When my Delver finished resolving it’s flip, they had decided to blow up the Bomb forgetting that it’s converted mana cost was now zero.
The third and final game was still a little exciting even though my opponent didn’t do much but draw cards. Once again, a Young Pyromancer had made an early appearance only to be followed up by a handful of spells to create an army of Elementals. The thing about Twin is that sometimes it can win without any kind of warning. I guess that’s why the game was a little exciting for myself. It may have been a bit boring for my opponent, but how was I supposed to know they were drawing blanks most of the game.
Well it seems I’ve gone of my time for this week. Tune in next week as I wrap things up and give some final thoughts on the deck for now. Thanks for reading!
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!
Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!
Tags: Magic the Gathering, Modern, MTG, Simeon Cortezano, ur delver
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, December 10th, 2014
Searching for the perfect holiday gifts for your favorite “Magic: The Gathering” player; or maybe just looking for cool gifts in general? No problem! We have some fantastic holiday gift ideas for you at different price points that will make the holidays memorable for that special person. You can grab any of these products at any Battleground Games & Hobbies location or via our online store and shipped right to your door!
Great for stocking stuffers or as an additional gift, these packs contain 15 random cards each. These are meant for players to supplement their existing collection, so they are not appropriate for the absolute beginner. Players LOVE opening booster pack for the surprise inside. We recommend packs from the latest Magic: the Gathering sets: Khans of Tarkir, Journey into Nyx, Born of the Gods, Theros, and/or Magic 2015. Click here to shop Booster Packs online!
The Holiday Gift Box was created with gift-giving in mind. These come jammed packed with goodies which include:
In between a Gift Box and a Booster Box, these “fat packs” provide a good mix of booster packs and accessories. They include:
This is for when just a few booster packs isn’t enough; then a booster box is your answer! Fantastic was to supplement any collection or even start a collection! Each booster box, except for Modern Masters (which contains 24 packs), contains 36 booster packs – that’s a lot of cards! Click here to view all of our booster boxes!
Duel Decks, Event Decks & Intro Packs are all pre-constructed decks that typically come with a spin-down branded Magic the Gathering 20-sided dice and sometimes, a booster pack to boot! Duel Decks are designed for two-player enjoyment in order to experience an epic battle, typically between two Planeswalkers! Next up, an Event Deck is design as a gateway to playing tournament Magic the Gathering, as these decks are designed to be competitive in tournament play. This is fantastic for anyone looking to give Friday Night Magic (see our event calender for future FNM events near you!) a try, especially if you don’t already have a deck to play with. Finally, Intro Decks are great products designed to provide an introduction to a new set and experience that set’s mechanics and flavor for the first time. Likewise, a great way to spend an evening, too; as these decks are great to play against each other!
The 2014 Commander Decks are 100-card pre-constructed decks that are ready to play out of the box, specifically designed for muli-player play within the Commander/Elder Dragon Highlander format. These are the hot new decks released for the holiday season. They provide tons of fun interactions and are very balanced against each other. If you’re looking to pickup a pre-constructed deck in the medium budget range, these are the way to go! Pick up two if you want to battle with your friends and/or loved ones.
These figures aren’t used to play Magic: the Gathering, but these collectible figures make fantastic gifts for any avid fan of the Magic the Gathering brand!
Protect your collection and your investment! At it’s core, Magic the Gathering is a collectible card game. Plus, no reason not to protect your favorite deck or even your entire collection from shuffling and the test of time with branded card sleeves and deck boxes! Click here to shop all our accessories!
No matter what gift you choose, we have something for everyone and any one of the products above will fill a Magic: the Gathering player with joy this holiday season. The only thing better than receiving a Magic: the Gathering gift is playing Magic: the Gathering! So, be sure to grab something for yourself and you can play alongside with your friends and loved ones this holiday season.
Tags: Christmas 2014, Gift Ideas, Holiday Season, Magic the Gathering, MTG, New Releases
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Monday, December 8th, 2014
This past weekend, during the coverage of the Magic World Championship and World Cup coverage, Wizards of the Coast finally revealed the purpose behind the three “Grand Prix: TBD” events are all about:
Draft Like A Master
Modern Masters (2015 Edition) takes players back to some of the most remarkable planes from recent history, including Zendikar, Mirrodin, Ravnica, Lorwyn, Kamigawa, and Alara. Featuring new artwork on a number of cards, every card in Modern Masters can be added to your favorite Modern-format decks. But first, enjoy a fresh Limited experience that combines some of Magic‘s most iconic cards in new ways.
Every box of Modern Masters (2015 Edition) contains 24 booster packs—each with 15 randomly inserted game cards, including one premium card in every pack—making it perfect for exciting draft play.
Modern Masters (2015 Edition) will be releasing on Magic Online May 29. The digital MSRP will be $6.99. It will not be available for redemption.
Additionally, to celebrate the second Modern Masters set, we’re running a triple Grand Prix weekend, May 30–31, 2015, in the following cities:
All three Grand Prix will run Modern Masters Limited, with Sealed on Days One and Two and a Top 8 Draft.
Tags: Magic the Gathering, Modern Masters 2, MTG, New Release, Wizards of the Coast, World Championship, World Cup
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related | No Comments »
Friday, December 5th, 2014
Ladies and gentlemen: The highly anticipated and collectible Duel Deck: Anthology has finally arrived to Battleground Games & Hobbies! This incredible product contains Magic the Gathering’s immensely popular past Duel Decks including: Elves vs Goblins, Jace vs Chandra, Divine vs Demonic, and Phyrexian vs the Coalition. This brand new, limited-edition product is not to be missed and makes for a fantastic holiday gift for the avid gamer and/or collector in the family.
So stop on by either of our locations conveniently located in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA or order online! Enjoy!
Tags: Duel Deck Anthology, Magic the Gathering, MTG, New Release, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Store Related | No Comments »
Thursday, December 4th, 2014
For this week in Magic, we’re going to take a visit down memory lane and talk about Modern! I’ve been playing Modern again lately, and I’ve got a bit of a bug. Thanks to the introduction of Khans, though, the format has changed, and for the better. Cards like Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise add a dynamic that not many people expected. Some people were even speculating that Treasure Cruise would be banned. However it hasn’t, and decks like Mono Red Burn have welcomed it with arms wide open.
I am not running Mono Red Burn, though. I’ve decided to go the UR Delver route. This deck is a lot of fun and can almost second for another burn deck. Okay, that’s enough talk. Let’s take a look at what I was playing.
Main board
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Gitaxian Probe
4 Serum Visions
3 Thought Scour
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Forked Bolt
2 Vapor Snag
2 Spell Snare
2 Mana Leak
2 Spell Pierce
1 Electrolyze
4 Treasure Cruise
2 Polluted Delta
3 Flooded Strand
2 Wooded Foothills
2 Bloodstained Mire
4 Steam Vents
2 Island
3 Mountain
Side board
2 Blood Moon
2 Electrickery
1 Negate
1 Dispel
2 Dragon Claw
1 Pithing Needle
1 Counterflux
1 Relic of Progenitus
2 Combust
2 Smash to Smithereens
This list is far from perfect, but I felt good playing it this past weekend. For this week, we’re just going to focus on the main board, and if there is time, we’ll touch upon the side board. Right after playing, I knew the one thing I wanted to add was Snapcaster Mage. As to why it wasn’t there to begin with, I think it just escaped my mind. Now the question is how many do I run? I’ve seen many lists go back and forth between one and two Snapcaster Mages.
To begin with, I may want to start with two Mages. However, I can see the argument to only play one. First of all, you’ll notice that Delver, Young Pyromancer, and the Swiftspear all have something in common – they are all dependant on non-creature spells. By running more creatures than I have to, it can almost hinder me in a small way. Can you imagine needed to rip just any spell to either trigger the Pyromancer or trigger the Prowess on Swiftspear, but instead you draw your Mage?
I can see what you’re saying, big deal, right? So what if you draw your Snapcaster Mage? Just cast that guy and flashback a Lightning Bolt! Well, you need to remember that this is a deck that runs only 18 lands. Resources are very limited and when you do draw your Mage, you may find that you don’t have the mana to do everything you want. Of course, this is the worst case scenario, so don’t let this deter you. However, it is very much a possibility.
The next debate is over certain counterspells. I feel there is a good question over whether to run Remand or Mana Leak. What that answer is, I’m not quite sure. Remember, I’m no expert here, I’m just a guy putting his thoughts down on electronic paper. Is it better to run Mana Leak or Remand?
A great argument for Remand can be made for it’s cantrip ability. In this deck, I can totally see drawing more cards. More fuel for the fire. However, an important thing to keep in mind is what the format currently looks like. If you feel like decks such as Jund, Pod, Tron, and such are going to be dominant, then running Remand is an excellent choice. In the later game, Mana Leak just is not good enough.
In a metagame where decks like UR Delver and Mono Red Burn (splashing Blue for Treasure Cruise) are running rampant, then Mana Leak is at it’s best. As someone who played Mono Red Burn, Remand was the best counter I could see if I saw any. Most of the time, it meant I was paying two mana for my Lightning Bolt instead of one. In some cases, that can be game changing, but most of the time it’s not. Remember I mentioned that resources can be limited, Mana Leak can hurt a lot especially when you average about three to four lands a game.
This leads me to seeing people making a compromise. This is where you see lists running one Remand or one Mana Leak. While this may seem like a solution, I don’t think it is. You want your counterspells to matter in the game. Running one of’s does not help solve the problem. In the end, you’re better off running two of a less efficient counterspell than none at all.
Time to wrap things up. There are some obvious staples of the deck that should never be messed with. I feel that these staples are Serum Visions, Lightning Bolt, Gitaxian Probe, and Treasure Cruise. Otherwise, feel free to play around with numbers until you feel comfortable. That’s it for now. Tune in next week where I’ll try to tackle the side board and hopefully recount some playtesting. Until then, take care.
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
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Tags: Magic the Gathering, Modern, MTG, Simeon Cortezano, treasure cruise, ur delver
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