Archive for the ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Category

Just One Week Away – MTG Prelim-PTQ for PT Vancouver!

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Format: Standard
Date: January 25th, 2015 – a SUNDAY
Time: Doors open at 10:00am, Round 1 pairings at 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Parking on site

This event is being run as a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier for Vancouver:
• Competitive REL
• Decklists required
• Cut to top 8

6 Booster Packs per person will be entered into the prize pool. These packs will be awarded to the top 8 finishers. Additional prizes may be awarded based on turnout.


We look forward to seeing you there!





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MTG ‘Fate Reforged’ Pre-orders: Only ONE Week Left!



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Only ONE week left to pre-order the next set in the Khans of Tarkir block – Fate Reforged! Reserve products and single cards from this new set today and have then ready for you on January 23rd for either in-store pick up or shipped right to your front door!


Pre-order Fate Reforged Single Cards

Pre-order Fate Reforged Sealed Product

Fate Reforged pre-orders ship on Friday, January 23rd. Sealed product may not ship internationally. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item becomes available.


Don’t forget to join us at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location on Friday, January 23rd for our high acclaimed Fat Pack Challenge event! Participants receive a Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck and compete for some super-cool, exclusive prizes! Event begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Entry is just the cost of the Fat Pack. Join us! We look forward to seeing you there.






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‘Fate Reforged’ MIDNIGHT Madness Begins TONIGHT!


Battleground’s Fate Reforged Prerelease – BEGINNING TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!



Come to our Fate Reforged Prerelease and experience the newest Magic: the Gathering set a week before it goes on sale!


We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be paying out more prize packs and to more people than ever before!





The Fate Reforged Prerelease presents players with a special opportunity to open a Prerelease Pack. There are five Prerelease Packs to choose from; each corresponds to a one of the five clans in Fate Reforged:


The Abzan Houses – White/Black/Green
The Jeskai Way – Blue/Red/White
The Sultai Brood – Black/Green/Blue
The Mardu Horde – Red/White/Black
The Temur Frontier – Green/Blue/Red


If players would like to be guaranteed a specific Fate Reforged Prerelease Pack they MUST preregister for the event they would like to participate in.  Please talk to someone at the store or contact us to preregister.

Abington Store:
1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Plainville Store:
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: January 17th Friday night / Saturday morning
Time: 12:00am (midnight) – BOTH LOCATIONS
Entrance Fee: $30.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: January 17th Saturday afternoon
Time: 12:00pmPLAINVILLE
Time: 2:00pmABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $30.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: January 17th Saturday night
Time: 6:00pmPLAINVILLE
Time: 7:00pmABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $30.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.


Format: Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck**
Date: January 18th Sunday afternoon
Time: 12:00pm in PLAINVILLE
Time: 7:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.


Format: Sealed Deck*
Date: January 18th Sunday night
Time: 6:00pm in PLAINVILLE
Time: 2:00pm in ABINGTON
Entrance Fee: $30.00 per person
This event will run 4 rounds.

*Sealed Deck: Each player receives one Fate Reforged Prerelease Pack corresponding to the clan of their choice.

**Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck:  Each TEAM will receive 2 Fate Reforged Prerelease Packs with which to build two 40 card decks.


Parking on site

Google Maps
Battleground’s Facebook Page


What Do I Get?

Each Player will receive one Fate Reforged Prerelease Pack that contains:

4 Fate Reforged booster packs
1 Khans of Tarkir booster pack
1 seeded booster pack
1 Activity insert
1 Clan information card
1 Spindown Life Counter
1 clan identity button
For this event, players may use the promo card included with the Prerelease Pack in their tournament deck.


What Else Can I Do?

Open Dueling: Open Dueling players each receive 1 Fate Reforged Intro Pack. Open Dueling players use their Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches. All players should be encouraged to help teach Open Dueling participants how to play Magic.


Come down, play some cards, check out the new set, and meet some new people!


Don’t forget to check out our Online Store for your Magic needs!

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This week in Magic: Fate Reforged prerelease


Guess what time it is! It’s prerelease time! For this edition of “This week in Magic” we’re going to go over some first timer tips and tricks, as well as some of the cards you may want to keep a close eye for if you want a chance to win some of your prerelease tournaments this weekend.


First timer advice

This is it. You’ve watched your friends long enough and now you want to try your hands at Magic: The Gathering. For your first, official event, you’ve decided to come to the Fate Reforged prerelease. Well here are a few tips and tricks that will help you out at your first event.


  • Stick to a 40-card deck – Don’t go to 41 or 42, and it’s illegal to play with 39.
  • The secret to a well-balanced deck is to play 17 lands and a mixture of 23 creatures and other spells. There are times you can even go 18 lands and 22 creature and other spells. As a last drastic move, you can go as low as 16 lands and 24 creature spells.
  • Don’t play all five colors in deck. When it comes to the Limited, you usually want to play into two colors. Kudos to you if you can play one. I think that the farthest I will take this idea is with three colors.


Mardu, Sultai, Temur, Jeskai, or Abzan

One of the first things you’ll need to do when you register for the event is choose a clan. In the end, there really is no wrong or right answer. However, I do have my own personal preference. Mardu was my clan of choice during the Khans of Tarkir prerelease. There is a good chance I’ll be choosing them again.


One thing you need to keep in mind is how many packs of what you’ll be getting in the prerelease kit. For this event, each player will get one pack of Khans, one seeded pack according to the clan chosen, and four packs of Fate Reforged.


With that in mind, there is still a good chance I will choose Mardu again. It’s the most aggressive clan out of the five. In my experience, early aggression has always seemed the best route for myself. The entire idea is to keep playing early threats and force your opponent to deal with them. In a Limited format that the prereleases are, there is a limited amount of removal. In this case, you are left with a couple of options. The best option is to be playing Mardu as well. Early aggression is well fought against with early aggression.


Removal, removal, removal

This leads me to my next prerelease reminder. Like I’ve said before, removal comes in limited numbers. No matter how bad it looks, consider running it.


An obvious removal spell you’ll want to look for is Black’s new board wipe. Crux of Fate will definitely be a limited bomb. There is nothing like ruining your opponent’s game plan by resetting the battlefield. Crux of Fate is also interesting because of the two modes available. So whether or not you’re running a crew of dragons, this spell going to mess up someone’s plans.


Douse in Gloom is another card I am a fan of. This card reminds me of Pharika’s Cure which is still in Standard. At a casting cost of three mana, it feels a little slow. However, it makes up for it in specific mana cost. Thus making it a little more versatile.


Removal spells will be in higher demand thanks to the reintroduction of dragons into the format. For this you can look for spells like Valorous Stance and Sandblast. Red’s Bathe in Dragonfire is another great removal spell for those pesky dragons.


Sleeper spells

In every prerelease, there is a spell or two that come out of the gates and surprise people. These are just some spells that really stick out to me and could have a great impact on your game.


I feel that the top sleeper spell has to be Fascination. This is an X spell that not only draws you card, but mills your opponent. This card alone can end a game. However, multiple copies of this spell in the late game is almost a certain victory.


Wrap up

That pretty much wraps up this week’s blog post. Don’t forget that this week’s prerelease events kick off at midnight this Friday at both store locations. For more information you can click here for the Forum page. Here you can find the times and Limited formats that will be available at each store on each day.


It should be a pretty busy weekend. Hopefully you’ve done the smart thing and pre-registered for the event to make sure you get the clan you want. If you haven’t yet, there should still be time.


One last thing before I let you go. There should be a lot of people attending the event this weekend. Do us a favor and take some pics of you and others playing! We’d love to show off some of the sights we get at both stores. Maybe we’ll even put them up here on the website. Also, don’t forget to tag Battleground Games & Hobbies on Facebook if you post your photo there!


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!

Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!




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TapNTurnGaming’s ‘Ravnica Battle of the Guilds’ Episode Three is Here!

Do you love Commander (Elder Dragon Highlander/EDH)? Then this is a video series you don’t want to miss, brought to you by local gaming group-turned media powerhouse TapNTurnGaming, in association with your’s truly – Battleground Games & Hobbies!


Check out Episode One – Boros Vs Selesnya:

Wondering what this is all about? Check out the introduction to this great new series by TapNTurnGaming:

Finally, here is all the deck techs for the decks that TapNTurnGaming will be playing:


About TapNTurnGaming

From their YouTube Channel: We love Magic: The Gathering. Specifically the EDH or Commander format. On this channel we will be going over all sorts of things pertaining to our favorite format:

  • Deck Techs
  • Gameplay
  • Booster Openings
  • Set Reviews
  • Cards of the week

And anything else you, the viewers, may want to see – let us know!




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TOMORROW – MTG Preliminary-PTQ for Pro Tour Vancouver!

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Format: Standard
Date: January 11th, 2015 a SUNDAY
Time: Doors open at 10:00am, Round 1 pairings at 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Parking on site


This event is being run as a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier for Vancouver:
• Competitive REL
• Decklists required
• Cut to top 8


6 Booster Packs per person will be entered into the prize pool. These packs will be awarded to the top 8 finishers. Additional prizes may be awarded based on turnout.


We look forward to seeing you there – TOMORROW!




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