Battleground Shout-out from Penny Arcade!

Penny Arcade blog author Sophie Prell has written an article on her experiences playing in the Pathfinder Arena at PAX East this year. Battleground gets a healthy shout-out for the innovative work put in by Craig Baker, Chad Kelble, and Jeff Coulton. Anyone who attends PAX East and comes anywhere near the Table Top Hall knows what an incredible job Craig does keeping the Arena a lively and fun place to die for three days straight. The sporadic cheers of “HUZZAH!” that can be heard reverberating throughout the hall attest to the heroic struggles unfolding on the bloody sands of the colosseum.


All this talk about the arena has me thinking we might need to reinstate this event at the Abington location on the weekends…


Here’s the linked article. Be sure to give it a read!
